我正在尝试设计 5 个生产者和单一消费者模型。我刚刚从Producer-consumer problem,Wikipedia 中学习了如何设计模型。但是我很难避免死锁。我不明白为什么这段代码会导致死锁。
int main()
Shared_Data = (shared_data*)Shared_Address; // this is a shared memory.
for(i = 0 ; i < 5; i++)
sprintf(debugbuf, "%ld, filled downsem, %dth loop\n", (long)getpid(), i);
write(STDOUT_FILENO, debugbuf, strlen(debugbuf));
sem_wait(filled); // try to access to the shared memory.
// if the shared memory is empty, consumer waits for it to be filled with pid and state.
read.isIdle = I_AM_IDLE;
read.WrittenByPid = Shared_Data->WrittenByPid;
sprintf(debugbuf, "%ld, empty upsem\n", (long)getpid());
write(STDOUT_FILENO, debugbuf, strlen(debugbuf));
int main()
sprintf(debugbuf, "%ld, empty downsem\n", (long)getpid());
write(STDOUT_FILENO, debugbuf, strlen(debugbuf));
// only one child process have access to here.
sem_wait(empty); // another child process doen't have access to here,
// untill parent process reads the shared memory.
sprintf(writebuf, "%s %ld process is forked.\n", Get_CurrentTime(date), (long)getpid());
write(STDOUT_FILENO, writebuf, strlen(writebuf));
Put_itsState_into_SharedMemory(getpid(), I_AM_IDLE, YES_Virgin);
sprintf(debugbuf, "%ld, filled upsem\n", (long)getpid());
write(STDOUT_FILENO, debugbuf, strlen(debugbuf));
32685, filled downsem, 0th loop
32687, empty downsem
32687, filled upsem
32685, empty upsem
32685, filled downsem, 1th loop
32690, empty downsem
32689, empty downsem
32691, empty downsem
32688, empty downsem
[stuck in for-loop]