这可能以前以某种形式被问过,但我仍然无法解决它,所以我想我会在这里问集体智慧。我有一个这样的界面 - 我留下了一些评论,因为它们可能会有所帮助。
/** Technical note: this generic binding is known as F-bound where class
* T is 'the worked-on class' by Splittable i.e. the implementing class.
interface Splittable <T extends Element & Splittable<T>> {
/** Returns an object of the same class which has been split off at
* the point given.
public T splitOff(double at);
/** Appends the object provided, which must be of the same class, to
* this object.
public void append(T el);
if (el instanceof Splittable) {
if (nextEl.getClass == el.getClass) {
// same class so join them
这就是我收到编译器警告的地方 - 未经检查地调用 append(T) 作为原始类型 Splittable 的成员。
在 Element 子类中,我都尝试过
SubClassEl extends Element implements Splittable
SubClassEl extends Element implements Splittable<SubClassEl>
另外,在调用 append() 时,我尝试了
但编译器不承认 splitOff 应该返回一个 Splittable,只返回一个 Element。