I can't find any advice on how to deal with infinite recursion in R. I would like to illustrate my problem in the most general way so that others can benefit from it. Feel free to edit it.
I used to run a double for loop
for (k in 1:n){ for (i in 1:m){
f[i,,k] <- an expression that depends on g[i-1,,k]
g[i,,k] <- a mixture of g[i-1,,k] and f[i,,k]}}
This was running fine but now I hoped to find the k that would best fit my criterion. So I decided to turn it into a function so that i could later optimize or uniroot it. I wrote something like that :
f <- function(i,k){an expression that depends on g(i-1,k)}
g <- function(i,k){an expression that depends on g(i-1,k) and f(i,k)}
I thought the two problems were similar but to my great surprise, I get infinite recursion errors.
I read about max memory but I am sure there is a more aesthetic way of doing it.
My reproducible example :
gradient <- function(x,y,tau){if (x-y > 0) {- tau} else {(1-tau)}}
aj <- c(-3,-4,-2,-3,-5,-6,-4,-5,-1,rep(-1,15))
f <- function(x,vec){sum(x^vec)-1}
root <- uniroot(f, interval=c(0,200), vec=aj)$root
memloss<-function(i,k){if (i==1) {c(rep(0,24))} else if (i <= 0 | k < -5) {0} else {gradient(dailyreturn[i-1],weight(i-1,k)%*%A[i-1,],0.0025)*A[i-1,]}}
memweight <- function(i,k){if (i==1) {c(rep(root,24)^aj)} else if (i <= 0 | k < -5) {0} else {(exp(- (2^(k)/(sqrt(1415))) * loss(i,k))) / (weight(i-1,k) %*% exp(- 2^(k)/(sqrt(1415)) * loss(i,k)) ) * weight(i-1,k)}}
loss <- memoize(memloss)
weight <- memoize(memweight)
where dailyreturn is a vector (of length 2080)
A is a 1414 x 24 matrix
I hope that helps.