我有一个使用扩展生成器创建的扩展。TYPO3 版本是 6.1.0。就像我们news在 TYPO3 中有扩展名一样,我希望我的扩展名也显示在Web列表下。自定义扩展可以这样显示吗?

我希望我的扩展名列在下面,Web但当然它也应该列在 List>Page... 但是通过在此处列出扩展名,我可以在一个选项卡下拥有此扩展名的所有记录。



1 回答 1


You created your BE module with Extension Builder, didn't you ? It has a possibility to choose the 'Main module' - web, which is default btw.

If you registered your module manually, just set the second param of Tx_Extbase_Utility_Extension::registerModule to web. Other options are: user, tools, help.


You need to add the BE module - that's actually what you want to do. Extension Builder doesn't create any 'TYPO3 BE typical' view for BE modules, so you need to create it yourself.

Additionally most probably you will need to add new separated action or better even controller dedicated for this BE module, so there you'll use another views as well.

For an example there are some ViewHelpers for usage in BE modules, one of them is: TableListViewHelper (note: it's from 4.x, I dont' know if it present in 6.x too).

于 2013-05-30T07:20:35.567 回答