我正在编写一个泛型方法,我希望根据泛型 Type 参数的类型出现不同的执行路径。不同的执行路径是静态类型的,例如

public static T Get<T>(this NameValueCollection collection, string name) where T : struct
    //Perform test on type, if it matches, delegate to statically typed method.
    if (typeof(T) == typeof(int)) return (T)(object)GetInt32(collection, name);
    else if (typeof(T) == typeof(DateTime)) return (T) (object) GetDateTime(collection, name);

    //Other types parsed here...

    //If nothing matched, return default.
    return default(T);


对我来说,这首先违背了使用泛型方法的目的(除了获得一些语法糖)。在我们已经确定 T 是 int 类型的情况下,有谁知道一种能够将 int 值返回为 T 的方法?

我正在考虑使用“动态”类型的 var,但读到它只是在幕后使用对象结束。



更新以包括我的最终方法,基于 smartcaveman 的回复,它使用通用静态类的类型解析来确定使用哪种“解析”方法,无需装箱或使用动态。

public class StringParser
    private class Getter<T>
        private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<StringParser, Getter<T>> Getters = new ConcurrentDictionary<StringParser, Getter<T>>();

        public Func<string, T> Get { get; set; }

        private Getter() {}

        public static Getter<T> For(StringParser stringParser)
            return Getters.GetOrAdd(stringParser, x => new Getter<T>());

    public virtual T Get<T>(string value)
        var get = Getter<T>.For(this).Get;

        if (get == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("No 'get' has been configured for values of type '{0}'.", typeof (T).Name));

        return get(value);

    public void SetupGet<T>(Func<string, T> get)
        Getter<T>.For(this).Get = get;


public static void Usage()
    StringParser parser = new StringParser();
    int myInt = parser.Get<int>("3");            

smartcaveman 方法的窍门在于,具有不同类型参数的泛型静态类实际上被认为是不同的类型,并且不共享静态成员。



4 回答 4


使用 C# 4.0 中引入的动态特性(下一个版本也支持它),这种调度是可能的。


public static T Get<T>(this NameValueCollection collection, string name) where T : struct
    T v = default(T);
    dynamic indicator = v;

    return GetValue(collection, name, indicator);

static int GetValue(NameValueCollection collection, string name, int indicator)
    return 110;

static DateTime GetValue(NameValueCollection collection, string name, DateTime indicator)
    return DateTime.Now;

// ... other helper parsers

// if nothing else matched
static object GetValue(NameValueCollection collection, string name, object indicator)
    return indicator;


Console.WriteLine(Get<int>(null, null));
Console.WriteLine(Get<DateTime>(null, null));
Console.WriteLine(Get<double>(null, null));
于 2013-05-30T07:46:25.700 回答


话虽如此,尚不清楚您的方法如何比非通用版本有用。我没有看到调用代码,但似乎唯一相关的情况是 int,因为其他所有情况都只返回默认值。



如果没有多种可能的值类型,则使用字典的想法将适用。但是,如果只有 1 种可能的值类型(例如 int),那么您可以使用 aDictionary<string,int>而不是 a NameValueCollection


 //  around application start, configure the way values are retrieved   
 //  from names for different types.  Note that this doesn't need to use
 //  a NameValueCollection, but I did so to stay consistent.

 var collection = new NameValueCollection();
 ValueRegistry.Configure<int>(name => GetInt32(collection,name));
 ValueRegistry.Configure<DateTime>(name => GetDateTime(collection,name));

 // where you are going to need to get values
 var values = new ValueRegistry();      
 int value = values.Get<int>("the name"); // nothing is boxed

public class ValueRegistry
       private class Provider<T> 
            where T : struct
             private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<ValueRegistry,Provider<T>> Providers = new ConcurrentDictionary<ValueRegistry,Provider<T>>();
              public static Provider<T> For(ValueRegistry registry)
                  return Providers.GetOrAdd(registry, x => new Provider<T>());
              private Provider(){
                 this.entries = new Dictionary<string,T>();
              private readonly Dictionary<string,T> entries;
              private static Func<string,T> CustomGetter;
              public static void Configure(Func<string,T> getter) { CustomGetter = getter;}

              public static T GetValueOrDefault(string name)
                   T value;
                    if(!entries.TryGetValue(name, out value))
                       entries[name] = value = CustomGetter != null ? CustomGetter(name) : default(T);
                     return value;

       public T Get<T>(string name) 
          where T : struct
           return Provider<T>.For(this).GetValueOrDefault(name);

       public static void Configure<T>(Func<string,T> customGetter)
                  where T : struct

于 2013-05-30T05:23:59.130 回答

是的,即使您已经声明,您也必须在将其转换为通用 T 之前显式地装箱(将值类型转换为对象)where T : struct。您可以执行以下操作,但我不能说它更优雅。

return (T) Convert.ChangeType(GetInt32(collection, name), typeof (int));
于 2013-05-30T05:27:10.347 回答

您可以使用 aDictionary来处理此问题。

private static Dictionary<Type, Func<NameValueCollection, string, T>> _typeMap = new Dictionary<Type, Func<NameValueCollection, string, T>>();

static Constructor()
    _typeMap[typeof(DateTime)] = (nvc, name) => { return (T)GetDateTime(nvc, name); };
    // etc

public static T Get<T>(this NameValueCollection collection, string name) where T : struct
    return _typeMap[typeof(T)](collection, name);
于 2013-05-30T07:54:10.057 回答