我正在编写一个应用程序来将协作者添加/删除到特定文件夹。我只需要添加已设置其盒子帐户的协作者。我看到 v2 API 允许我指定“此用户的 ID”(而不是他们的电子邮件地址)——我怎样才能获得他们的 ID?v1 API 有 get_user_id 函数——我在 v2 文档中看不到任何类似的东西......


1 回答 1


There currently isn't an equivalent of get_user_id in the V2 API, so you'll have to resort to using email addresses. It should be noted that sending in an email of an unregistered user kicks off the registration process for the email address.

于 2013-05-29T23:00:13.447 回答