即使我使用“解释”,我也不了解我的查询是如何评分的。分数似乎是任意的——也许对 Elastic Search 有更好理解的人可以向我解释一下?
settings :analysis => {
:analyzer => {
:nickname => {
:tokenizer => "standard",
:filter => ["stop", "nickname_words", "lowercase"],
:type => "custom"
:filter => {
:nickname_words => { :type => "word_delimiter", :generate_word_parts => true, :generate_number_parts => true,
:split_on_numerics => true, :split_on_case_change => true, :catenate_words => true,
:preserve_original => true }
mapping do
indexes :id, :type => "integer", :index => :not_analyzed, :include_in_all => false
indexes :nickname, :type => "string", :index_analyzer => :nickname, :search_analyzer => :standard, :include_in_all => true
"took" : 5,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 5,
"successful" : 5,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : 3,
"max_score" : 1.0,
"hits" : [ {
"_shard" : 2,
"_node" : "YE2N_R_qRMaXmcdobaMkWQ",
"_index" : "users",
"_type" : "user",
"_id" : "6",
"_score" : 1.0, "_source" : {"id":6,"nickname":"test242424"},
"_explanation" : {
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "weight(nickname:test in 0) [PerFieldSimilarity], result of:",
"details" : [ {
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "fieldWeight in 0, product of:",
"details" : [ {
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:",
"details" : [ {
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "termFreq=1.0"
} ]
}, {
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "idf(docFreq=1, maxDocs=2)"
}, {
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "fieldNorm(doc=0)"
} ]
} ]
}, {
"_shard" : 3,
"_node" : "YE2N_R_qRMaXmcdobaMkWQ",
"_index" : "users",
"_type" : "user",
"_id" : "7",
"_score" : 1.0, "_source" : {"id":7,"nickname":"SecondTest353535"},
"_explanation" : {
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "weight(nickname:test in 0) [PerFieldSimilarity], result of:",
"details" : [ {
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "fieldWeight in 0, product of:",
"details" : [ {
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:",
"details" : [ {
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "termFreq=1.0"
} ]
}, {
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "idf(docFreq=1, maxDocs=2)"
}, {
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "fieldNorm(doc=0)"
} ]
} ]
}, {
"_shard" : 0,
"_node" : "YE2N_R_qRMaXmcdobaMkWQ",
"_index" : "users",
"_type" : "user",
"_id" : "4",
"_score" : 0.30685282, "_source" : {"id":4,"nickname":"test123"},
"_explanation" : {
"value" : 0.30685282,
"description" : "weight(nickname:test in 0) [PerFieldSimilarity], result of:",
"details" : [ {
"value" : 0.30685282,
"description" : "fieldWeight in 0, product of:",
"details" : [ {
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:",
"details" : [ {
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "termFreq=1.0"
} ]
}, {
"value" : 0.30685282,
"description" : "idf(docFreq=1, maxDocs=1)"
}, {
"value" : 1.0,
"description" : "fieldNorm(doc=0)"
} ]
} ]
} ]
我希望 test123 出现在 SecondTest353535 和 test24242424 之前,因为它最相似。