到目前为止,我所有的网站都是用非常线性的代码编写的(感谢 QBASIC!),这经常让我对重复、凌乱和笨拙的代码感到悲痛。每个动态页面都有自己独立的 .php 文件,我从来没有使用过函数。

我现在正在使用 Smarty 作为模板引擎的 OOP 重写整个站点,并且真的可以使用一些指导。


1) 访问者点击 index.php?/view/fluffybunny。index.php 只是网站其余部分的处理程序:

// main config holds all database, sphinx and memcached settings
// and also connects to server
require_once '../config/site.cfg.php';

$urlPath = explode('/',$_GET['path']);

$page = new page($tpl,$db);

if (!empty($urlPath[1]))
    switch ($urlPath[1])
        case 'view': $page->view($urlPath); break;
        case 'browse': $page->browse($urlPath); break;
        case 'index': $page->index($urlPath); break;
        default: $page->index($urlPath); break;
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); // then 404 because we dont want seo issues
    exit("File not found");

2) 'new page()' 然后触发自动加载器以包含 page.class.php:

/* page Class
 * Created by James Napier 16/05/2013
 * Revision 0.1
class page
    private $tpl;
    private $db;

    public function __construct($tpl='',$db='') {
        $this->tpl = $tpl;
        $this->db = $db;

    * Displays index page 
    * Depending on URL it either displays a local index or countrywide index
    public function index($urlPath)
        $locUrl = '';

        if (!empty($urlPath[3])) //this is the location part
            // init location class
            $location = new location($this->db);

            // check whether location exists
                $locUrl = '/in/'.$urlPath[3]; // if it does add location suffix to urls
                // if it doesnt, 404 
                header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
                exit("File not found");

        // assign location url to template
        $this->tpl->assign('locUrl', $locUrl);

        // homepage breadcrumbs
            array('title'=>'Site '.COUNTRY_CODE1, 'friendlyurl'=>'/'),
            array('title'=>'Home', 'friendlyurl'=>'/')));   

        // Build the template and display it

    * Displays individual listing 
    * Uses the ID from the end of the URL to display the correct item 
    public function view($urlPath)
        $id = end($urlPath);

        if (!empty($id))
            // Retrieve the article from the database along with POINT values
            $stmt = $this->db->prepare('SELECT *, X(locpoint) as x, Y(locpoint) as y FROM listing WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1');
            $stmt->bindValue(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT);

            if($listing = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
                // Deal with the article status
                if ($listing['status'] == 'deleted')
                elseif ($listing['status'] == 'disabled')
                    $this->tpl->assign('bannerErr','THIS AD HAS EXPIRED AND IS PENDING DELETION');
                elseif ($listing['status'] == 'pending')
                    $this->tpl->assign('bannerErr','THIS AD IS NOT YET ACTIVE AND IS BEING REVIEWED BY THE FLOGR TEAM');            

                // Start building the basic page vars from the results
                $this->tpl->assign('itemID', $listing['id']);

                // price
                $this->tpl->assign('itemPrice', number_format($listing['price']));

                // location details
                $this->tpl->assign('itemLatLng', $listing['x'].','.$listing['y']);
                $this->tpl->assign('itemLocation', $listing['loctext']);

                // contact details
                $this->tpl->assign('itemContactNo', $listing['phone']);
                $this->tpl->assign('itemContactType', $listing['type']);

                // images
                $this->tpl->assign('itemImages', json_decode($listing['images'], true));

                // Retrieve the category info for breadcrumbs and titles
                $getContent = new getContent();

                // breadcrumbs
                $this->tpl->assign('breadCrumbs',$getContent->breadCrumbs($listing['catid'],'/browse/', $this->db));

                // Page and SEO titls
                $this->tpl->assign('headTitle',$listing['title'].' located in '.$listing['loctext'].' | site.com');
                $this->tpl->assign('headDesc', $listing['shortdesc']);

                // Build the template and display it

                // Update hits and set viewed session var
                $_SESSION['filter']['viewed'][] = $listing['id'];
                $stmt = $this->db->query('UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY listing SET hits = hits+1 WHERE id = '.$listing['id']);

    * standard 404 error 
    public function err404()
        header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
        exit("File not found");

所以首先我的问题是,任何人都可以看到我作为 OOP 新手所犯的任何明显错误吗?

其次,无论 index.php 处理程序是否调用了 $page->index()、$page->view(),我都有一些需要在每个页面上运行的大代码块(用户身份验证等)。 ..ETC。我将如何将此代码集成到 page.class.php 中?


1 回答 1


就您的代码而言,您在执行 OOP 方面做得很好,但是通过从头开始编写框架,您基本上是在重新发明轮子。我强烈建议使用现有的框架,例如:CakePHP、Zend Framework 或 Laravel。在您使用框架一段时间后,您开始了解自己喜欢什么和不喜欢什么。在这一点上,制作自己的框架是一个很好的练习。但即使到那时,您也应该意识到,那里的开源框架已经使用了 100 甚至 1,000 小时的男人/女人时间来开发,虽然每个框架可能都有您不喜欢的怪癖,但处理这些怪癖是比从头开始构建框架要容易得多。

于 2013-06-10T17:38:00.730 回答