我正在使用文件选择器将图像上传到我的 rails 应用程序,然后在显示页面上我有一个按钮,允许他们打开图像以在 aviary 内对其进行编辑。
资源解释为脚本,但使用 MIME 类型 text/html 传输:
<%= javascript_tag do %>
//Setup Filepicker.io - to get an apikey, go to https://developers.filepicker.io/register/
//Setup Aviary
var featherEditor = new Aviary.Feather({
//Get an api key for Aviary at http://www.aviary.com/web-key
apiKey: 'jdbk5iwjxibpotfn',
apiVersion: 2,
onSave: function(imageID, newURL) {
//Export the photo to the cloud using Filepicker.io!
filepicker.export(newURL, {extension:'.png'});
appendTo: 'web_demo_pane'
//Giving a placeholder image while Aviary loads
var preview = document.getElementById('web_demo_preview');
var editPane = document.getElementById('start_web_demo');
editPane.onclick = function(){
//When the user clicks the button, import a file using Filepicker.io
var theurl = "<%= @user.filepicker_url %>+.jpg";
preview.src = theurl;
image: preview,
url: theurl
<% end %>