URL <- "http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets/sleep"
L <- readLines(URL)
# lines ending in a one digit field
good.lines <- grep(" \\d$", L, value = TRUE)
# insert commas before numeric fields
lines.csv <- gsub("( [-0-9.])", ",\\1", good.lines)
# re-read
DF <- read.table(text = lines.csv, sep = ",", as.is = TRUE, strip.white = TRUE,
na.strings = "-999.0")
# get headings - of the lines starting at left edge these are the ncol(DF) lines
# starting with the one containing "species"
headings0 <- grep("^[^ ]", L, value = TRUE)
i <- grep("species", headings0)
headings <- headings0[seq(i, length = ncol(DF))]
# The headings are a bit long so we shorten them to the first word
names(DF) <- sub(" .*$", "", headings)
> head(DF)
species body brain slow paradoxical total maximum
1 African elephant 6654.000 5712.0 NA NA 3.3 38.6
2 African giant pouched rat 1.000 6.6 6.3 2.0 8.3 4.5
3 Arctic Fox 3.385 44.5 NA NA 12.5 14.0
4 Arctic ground squirrel 0.920 5.7 NA NA 16.5 NA
5 Asian elephant 2547.000 4603.0 2.1 1.8 3.9 69.0
6 Baboon 10.550 179.5 9.1 0.7 9.8 27.0
gestation predation sleep overall
1 645 3 5 3
2 42 3 1 3
3 60 1 1 1
4 25 5 2 3
5 624 3 5 4
6 180 4 4 4
更新 3:添加na.strings = "-999.0"