Web 请求进行交互。我也在哪里包装了网络请求。
您需要以下代码作为class module
Public Enum ResponseFormat
End Enum
Private pResponseText As String
Private pResponseJson
Private pScriptControl As Object
'Request method returns the responsetext and optionally will fill out json or xml objects
Public Function request(url As String, Optional postParameters As String = "", Optional format As ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json) As String
Dim xml
Dim requestType As String
If postParameters <> "" Then
requestType = "POST"
requestType = "GET"
End If
Set xml = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
xml.Open requestType, url, False
xml.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
xml.setRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json"
If postParameters <> "" Then
xml.send (postParameters)
End If
pResponseText = xml.ResponseText
request = pResponseText
Select Case format
Case Json
End Select
End Function
Private Sub SetJson()
Dim qt As String
qt = """"
Set pScriptControl = CreateObject("scriptcontrol")
pScriptControl.Language = "JScript"
pScriptControl.eval "var obj=(" & pResponseText & ")"
'pScriptControl.ExecuteStatement "var rootObj = null"
pScriptControl.AddCode "function getObject(){return obj;}"
'pScriptControl.eval "var rootObj=obj[" & qt & "query" & qt & "]"
pScriptControl.AddCode "function getRootObject(){return rootObj;}"
pScriptControl.AddCode "function getCount(){ return rootObj.length;}"
pScriptControl.AddCode "function getBaseValue(){return baseValue;}"
pScriptControl.AddCode "function getValue(){ return arrayValue;}"
Set pResponseJson = pScriptControl.Run("getObject")
End Sub
Public Function setJsonRoot(rootPath As String)
If rootPath = "" Then
pScriptControl.ExecuteStatement "rootObj = obj"
pScriptControl.ExecuteStatement "rootObj = obj." & rootPath
End If
Set setJsonRoot = pScriptControl.Run("getRootObject")
End Function
Public Function getJsonObjectCount()
getJsonObjectCount = pScriptControl.Run("getCount")
End Function
Public Function getJsonObjectValue(path As String)
pScriptControl.ExecuteStatement "baseValue = obj." & path
getJsonObjectValue = pScriptControl.Run("getBaseValue")
End Function
Public Function getJsonArrayValue(index, key As String)
Dim qt As String
qt = """"
If InStr(key, ".") > 0 Then
arr = Split(key, ".")
key = ""
For Each cKey In arr
key = key + "[" & qt & cKey & qt & "]"
key = "[" & qt & key & qt & "]"
End If
Dim statement As String
statement = "arrayValue = rootObj[" & index & "]" & key
pScriptControl.ExecuteStatement statement
getJsonArrayValue = pScriptControl.Run("getValue", index, key)
End Function
Public Property Get ResponseText() As String
ResponseText = pResponseText
End Property
Public Property Get ResponseJson()
ResponseJson = pResponseJson
End Property
Public Property Get ScriptControl() As Object
ScriptControl = pScriptControl
End Property
Sub Example()
Dim j
'clear current range
'create ajax object
Set j = New Json
'make yql request for json
j.request "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=show%20tables&format=json&callback=&diagnostics=true"
'Debug.Print j.ResponseText
'set root of data
Set obj = j.setJsonRoot("query.results.table")
Dim index
'determine the total number of records returned
index = j.getJsonObjectCount
'if you need a field value from the object that is not in the array
'tempValue = j.getJsonObjectValue("query.created")
Dim x As Long
x = 2
If index > 0 Then
For i = 0 To index - 1
'set cell to the value of content field
Range("A" & x).value = j.getJsonArrayValue(i, "content")
x = x + 1
MsgBox "No items found."
End If
End Sub