I'm running an enterprise level PHP application. It's a browser game with thousands of users online on an infrastructure that my boss refuses to upgrade and the machinery is running on 2-3 system load (yep linux) at all times. Anyhow that's not the real issue. The real issue is that some users wait until the server gets loaded (prime time) and they bring their mouse clickers and they click the same submit button like 10 - 20 times, sending 10-20 requests at the same time while the server is still producing the initial request, thus not updated the cache and the database.

Currently I have an output variable on each request, which is valid for 2 minutes and I have "mutex" lock which is basically a flag inside memcache which if found blocks the execution of the script further, but the mouse clicker makes so many requests at the same time that they run almost simultaneously which is a big issue for me.

How are you, the majority of StackOverflow folks dealing with this issue. I was thinking of flagging the cookie/session but I think I will get in the same issue if the server gets overloaded. Optimization is impossible, the source is 7 years old and is quite optimized, with no queries on most pages (running off of cache) and only querying the database on certain user input, like the one I'm trying to prevent.

Yep it's procedural code with no real objects. Machines run PHP 5 but the code itself is more of a PHP 4. I know, I know it's old and stuff but we can't spare the resource of rewriting this whole mess since most of the original developers left that know how stuff is intertwined and yeah, I'm basically patching old holes. But as far as I know this is a general issue on loaded PHP websites.

P.S: Disabling the button with javascript on submit is not an option. The real cheaters are advanced users. One of them had written a bot clicker and packed it as a Google Chrome extension. Don't ask how I dealt with that.


4 回答 4





于 2014-01-23T21:38:25.457 回答


不知道您使用哪个服务器,但 apache 有一些模块,例如 mod_evasive。

您还可以限制防火墙中 IP 的每秒连接数

于 2013-05-29T13:53:23.597 回答



关于脚本:在我的游戏中,我有一个 php 模块,它自动重写链接,添加一个保存在数据库中的随机 id,一种 CSRF 保护。人类用户将单击更改的链接,因此他们将看不到更改,但脚本会尝试询问旧链接,并且在尝试后被禁止!其他脚本使用 DOM ,因此很容易避免它们在页面周围插入一些无用的 DIV。


于 2013-09-13T10:48:51.710 回答




于 2016-03-12T11:53:02.400 回答