
<form name="myForm" ng-submit="saveDeployment()">
    <input type="hidden" value="{{item.CloneUrl}}" name="cloneurl" />
    <input type="hidden" value="{{Username}}" name="username" />

    <input type="radio" name="deploymenttype" ng-model="item.deploymentType" value="azure" checked="checked">Azure 
    <br />
    <input type="radio" name="deploymenttype" ng-model="item.deploymentType" value="ftp">FTP

    <div id="azure" ng-show="item.deploymentType=='azure'">
        <label for="azurerepo">Azure Git Repo</label>
        <input type="text" name="azurerepo" ng-model="item.azurerepo" ng-class="{error: myForm.azurerepo.$invalid}" ng-required="item.deploymentType=='azure'" />

    <div id="ftp" ng-show="item.deploymentType=='ftp'">
        <label for="ftpserver">FTP Server</label>
        <input type="text" name="ftpserver" ng-model="item.ftpserver" ng-class="{error: myForm.ftpserver.$invalid}" ng-required="item.deploymentType=='ftp'"  />

        <label for="ftppath">FTP Path</label>
        <input type="text" name="ftppath" ng-model="item.ftppath" ng-class="{error: myForm.ftppath.$invalid}" ng-required="item.deploymentType=='ftp'" />

        <label for="ftpusername">FTP Username</label>
        <input type="text" name="ftpusername" ng-model="item.ftpusername" ng-class="{error: myForm.ftpusername.$invalid}" ng-required="item.deploymentType=='ftp'"/>

        <label for="ftppassword">FTP Password</label>
        <input type="password" name="ftppassword" ng-model="item.ftppassword" ng-class="{error: myForm.ftppassword.$invalid}" ng-required="item.deploymentType=='ftp'"/>

    <input type="submit" value="Save" ng-disabled="myForm.$invalid"/>


它的设置使得一旦输入数据,必填字段和保存按钮都可以工作。但是,我的部分验证将是,"Is the user already registered?"我将使用输入的数据通过 POST 使用 $http 访问服务器。


*更新: *


 app.directive('repoAvailable', function ($http, $timeout) { // available
        return {
            require: 'ngModel',
            link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) {
                ctrl.$parsers.push(function (viewValue) {
                    // set it to true here, otherwise it will not 
                    // clear out when previous validators fail.
                    ctrl.$setValidity('repoAvailable', true);
                    if (ctrl.$valid) {
                        // set it to false here, because if we need to check 
                        // the validity of the email, it's invalid until the 
                        // AJAX responds.
                        ctrl.$setValidity('checkingRepo', false);

                        // now do your thing, chicken wing.
                        if (viewValue !== "" && typeof viewValue !== "undefined") {
                            $http.post('http://localhost:12008/alreadyregistered',viewValue) //set to 'Test.json' for it to return true.
                                .success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
                                    ctrl.$setValidity('repoAvailable', true);
                                    ctrl.$setValidity('checkingRepo', true);
                                .error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
                                    ctrl.$setValidity('repoAvailable', false);
                                    ctrl.$setValidity('checkingRepo', true);
                        } else {
                            ctrl.$setValidity('repoAvailable', false);
                            ctrl.$setValidity('checkingRepo', true);
                    return viewValue;


3 回答 3


你不需要在指令中发出 $http 请求,更好的地方是控制器。

您可以在控制器中指定方法 -$scope.saveDeployment = function () { // here you make and handle your error on request ... };您将错误保存到范围,然后创建一个指令来监视$scope.yourResponseObject和设置基于它的有效性。

此外,如果您需要输入字段模糊上的请求和错误之类的东西,则需要创建一个简单的指令,elem.bind('blur', ...)在其中调用$scope.saveDeployment回调以处理有效性。

看看这些例子,可能有类似的东西 - https://github.com/angular/angular.js/wiki/JsFiddle-Examples

于 2013-05-29T21:42:31.593 回答

使用异步$httpajax 调用验证表单输入字段是一种常见的需求,但我还没有找到任何完整、可重用且易于使用的实现,因此我尽力制作了一个。

此功能对于检查用户名、电子邮件或其他字段/列是否唯一特别有用,但还有许多其他用例必须使用 ajax 调用验证值(如您的示例中所示)。


  • 接受来自$scope进行$http调用或任何类型验证(同步或异步)的“检查”函数
  • 接受来自 的“门”功能,该功能$scope允许根据值或ngModel状态绕过检查。
  • 消除“检查”函数的执行,直到用户停止输入
  • 确保只使用最新的$http调用结果(以防多个调用结果乱序返回)。
  • 允许状态绑定,以便 UI 可以适当且方便地响应。
  • 可定制的去抖时间、检查/门功能、绑定名称和验证名称。

我的指令是pmkr-validate-custom (GitHub). 它可用于任何异步验证。早在 1.1.5之前,我就已经在多个版本中对其进行了测试。

这是 Twitter Bootstrap 的示例用法,我在其中检查用户名是否唯一。


<form name="the_form" class="form-group has-feedback">
  <div ng-class="{'has-success':userNameUnique.valid, 'has-warning':userNameUnique.invalid}">
    <label for="user_name">Username</label>
      pmkr-validate-custom="{name:'unique', fn:checkUserNameUnique, gate:gateUserNameUnique, wait:500, props:'userNameUnique'}" 
    <span ng-show="userNameUnique.valid" class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok form-control-feedback"></span>
    <span ng-show="userNameUnique.invalid" class="glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign form-control-feedback"></span>
    <i ng-show="userNameUnique.pending" class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh fa-spin form-control-feedback"></i>
    <p ng-show="userNameUnique.valid" class="alert alert-success">"{{userNameUnique.checkedValue}}" is availiable.</p>
    <p ng-show="userNameUnique.invalid" class="alert alert-warning">"{{userNameUnique.checkedValue}}" is not availiable.</p>
      ng-disabled="the_form.$invalid || the_form.user_name.$pristine || userNameUnique.pending" 
      class="btn btn-default"


// Note that this ought to be in a service and referenced to $scope. This is just for demonstration.
$scope.checkUserNameUnique = function(value) {
  return $http.get(validationUrl+value).then(function(resp) {
    // use resp to determine if value valid
    return isValid; // true or false

// The directive is gated off when this function returns true.
$scope.gateUserNameUnique = function(value, $ngModel) {
  return !value || $ngModel.$pristine;

如果我做出任何改进,它们将在GitHub 上保持最新,但我还将把该指令及其依赖项的代码放在这里(可能不会更新)。我欢迎通过GitHub 问题提出建议或问题

angular.module('pmkr.validateCustom', [

.directive('pmkrValidateCustom', [
  function($q, debounce) {

    var directive = {
      restrict: 'A',
      require: 'ngModel',
      // set priority so that other directives can change ngModel state ($pristine, etc) before gate function
      priority: 1,
      link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $ngModel) {

        var opts = $scope.$eval($attrs.pmkrValidateCustom);

        // this reference is used as a convenience for $scope[opts.props]
        var props = {
          pending : false,
          validating : false,
          checkedValue : null,
          valid : null,
          invalid : null
        // if opts.props is set, assign props to $scope
        opts.props && ($scope[opts.props] = props);

        // debounce validation function
        var debouncedFn = debounce(validate, opts.wait);
        var latestFn = debounce.latest(debouncedFn);

        // initially valid
        $ngModel.$setValidity(opts.name, true);

        // track gated state
        var gate;

        $scope.$watch(function() {
          return $ngModel.$viewValue;
        }, valueChange);

        // set model validity and props based on gated state
        function setValidity(isValid) {
          $ngModel.$setValidity(opts.name, isValid);
          if (gate) {
            props.valid = props.invalid = null;
          } else {
            props.valid = !(props.invalid = !isValid);

        function validate(val) {
          if (gate) { return; }
          props.validating = true;
          return opts.fn(val);

        function valueChange(val) {

          if (opts.gate && (gate = opts.gate(val, $ngModel))) {
            props.pending = props.validating = false;

          props.pending = true;
          props.valid = props.invalid = null;

          latestFn(val).then(function(isValid) {
            if (gate) { return; }
            props.checkedValue = val;
            props.pending = props.validating = false;


      } // link

    }; // directive

    return directive;



angular.module('pmkr.debounce', [])

.factory('pmkr.debounce', [
  function($timeout, $q) {

    var service = function() {
      return debounceFactory.apply(this, arguments);
    service.immediate = function() {
      return debounceImmediateFactory.apply(this, arguments);
    service.latest = function() {
      return debounceLatestFactory.apply(this, arguments);

    function debounceFactory(fn, wait) {

      var timeoutPromise;

      function debounced() {

        var deferred = $q.defer();

        var context = this;
        var args = arguments;


        timeoutPromise = $timeout(function() {
          deferred.resolve(fn.apply(context, args));
        }, wait);

        return deferred.promise;


      return debounced;


    function debounceImmediateFactory(fn, wait) {

      var timeoutPromise;

      function debounced() {

        var deferred = $q.defer();

        var context = this;
        var args = arguments;

        if (!timeoutPromise) {
          deferred.resolve(fn.apply(context, args));
          // return here?

        timeoutPromise = $timeout(function() {
          timeoutPromise = null;
        }, wait);

        return deferred.promise;


      return debounced;


    function debounceLatestFactory(fn) {

      var latestArgs;

      function debounced() {

        var args = latestArgs = JSON.stringify(arguments);

        var deferred = $q.defer();

        fn.apply(this, arguments).then(function(res) {
          if (latestArgs === args) {
        }, function(res) {
          if (latestArgs === args) {

        return deferred.promise;


      return debounced;


    return service;



angular.module('pmkr.pristineOriginal', [])

.directive('pmkrPristineOriginal', [
  function() {

    var directive = {
      restrict : 'A',
      require : 'ngModel',
      link: function($scope, $element, $atts, $ngModel) {

        var pristineVal = null;

        $scope.$watch(function() {
          return $ngModel.$viewValue;
        }, function(val) {
          // set pristineVal to newVal the first time this function runs
          if (pristineVal === null) {
            pristineVal = $ngModel.$isEmpty(val) ? '' : val.toString();

          // newVal is the original value - set input to pristine state
          if (pristineVal === val) {



    return directive;


于 2014-09-05T03:24:53.947 回答

我的解决方案来自 Kosmetika 的想法。


这会将控制器/模型属性设置为 true 或 false。

然后,我<span>可以ng-show查看控制器/模型属性,因此当 Web 服务返回时,它会显示用户信息

于 2013-05-30T13:46:03.873 回答