我有一个活动类 CreateEventPage,这基本上调用 onCreate 方法中的一个片段,该方法加载用于创建事件的表单。在按下特定按钮时,会调用 showMapFragment() 方法,用 MyMapFragment 对象(扩展 Fragment 类)替换该片段。
CreateEventPage 类如下:
public class CreateEventPage extends FragmentActivity implements
MapLongPressListener {
private CreateEventFragment eventFragment;
private MyMapFragment mapFragment;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
eventFragment = new CreateEventFragment();
getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(R.id.fragment_container, eventFragment).commit();
// Check whether the activity is using the layout version with
// the fragment_container FrameLayout. If so, we must add the first fragment
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.create_event_page, menu);
return true;
public void showTimePickerDialog(View v) {
DialogFragment newFragment = new TimePickerFragment();
newFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), "timePicker");
public void showDatePickerDialog(View v) {
DialogFragment newFragment = new DatePickerFragment();
newFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), "datePicker");
public void showMapFragment(View v) {
// If the frag is not available, we're in the one-pane layout and must swap frags...
// Create fragment and give it an argument for the selected article
mapFragment = new MyMapFragment();
FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
transaction.replace(R.id.fragment_container, mapFragment);
public void MapLongPressed(String locationAddress, double latitude, double longitude) {
FragmentTransaction trans = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
trans.replace(R.id.fragment_container, eventFragment).commit();
eventFragment.initPositions(locationAddress, latitude, longitude);
当我调用 eventFragment 对象的 initPositions 方法时,我尝试更新 EditText 对象的文本字段。但是,UI 不会更新。我也尝试在 UI 线程上运行该方法,它仍然没有更新。view 是一个全局变量,它存储了 Fragment 的 onCreateView 方法返回的 View 对象。initPositions 方法如下:
public void initPositions( String address, double lat, double longi) {
EditText location = (EditText) view.findViewById(R.id.LocationText);
latitude = lat;
longitude = longi;
Log.i("Init Positions", address);
Log.i("Init Positions", ""+latitude);
Log.i("Init Positions", ""+longitude);
Log.i("Init Positions", inputLocation.getText().toString());
然而,尽管如此,即使日志打印出我想要的正确值,UI 也不会更新。你能告诉我我做错了什么吗?