SimpleXML 的 Xpath 不太适合完成整个工作。尤其是不区分大小写的搜索非常尴尬-实际上您在相关问题中遇到了太多问题。
这可以通过将 xpath 结果(它是一个数组)转换为Iterator
$string = "sample";
$names = $xml->xpath('//ITEM/@NAME');
$filtered = new LaxStringFilterIterator($names, $string);
$items = new SimpleXMLParentNodesIterator($filtered);
foreach ($items as $item) {
echo $item->asXML(), "\n";
<ITEM NAME="Sample">
..some other node here
<ITEM NAME="SamPlE lorem">
..some other node here
<ITEM NAME="Sam Ple lorem ipsum">
..some other node here
<ITEM NAME="sample">
..some other node here
..some other node here
* Class LaxStringFilterIterator
* Search for needle in case-insensitive manner on a subject
* with spaces removed.
class LaxStringFilterIterator extends FilterIterator
private $quoted;
* @param Traversable|Array|Object $it
* @param string $needle
public function __construct($it, $needle) {
parent::__construct($it instanceof Traversable ? new IteratorIterator($it) : new ArrayIterator($it));
$this->quoted = preg_quote($needle);
public function accept() {
$pattern = sprintf('/%s/i', $this->quoted);
$subject = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', trim(parent::current()));
return preg_match($pattern, $subject);
* Class SimpleXMLParentNodesIterator
* Return parent nodes instead of current SimpleXMLElement Nodes,
* for example the element of an attribute.
class SimpleXMLParentNodesIterator extends IteratorIterator
public function current() {
$current = parent::current();
list($parent) = $current[0]->xpath('..');
return $parent;