注意:我为 OfficeWriter 的制造商 SoftArtisans 工作。
Date Name Address Age
05/01/2013 Bob 70 Random Dr 54
05/02/2013 Carl 50 Unique Rd 76
05/03/2013 Fred 432 Tiger Lane 56
05/04/2013 Amy 123 Think Ave 23
05/05/2013 Dana 58 Turtle Path 67
Date 05/01/2013 05/02/2013 05/03/2013 05/04/2013 05/05/2013
Name Bob Carl Fred Amy Dana
Address 70 Random Dr 50 Unique Rd 432 Tiger Lane 123 Think Ave 58 Turtle Path
Age 54 76 56 23 67
最简单的选择 - 使用 ExcelApplication 导入
//Open or create a file with ExcelApplication
ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
Workbook wb = xla.Create(ExcelApplication.FileFormat.Xlsx);
//Get a handle on the worksheet where you want to import the data
//You can also create a new worksheet instead
Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets.CreateWorksheet("ImportedData");
//Create a DataImportProperties object
//Set the data import to transpose the data
DataImportProperties dataImportProps = wb.CreateDataImportProperties();
dataImportProps.Transpose = true;
//Import the data
DataTable dt = GetData(); //random method that returns some data
ws.ImportData(dt, ws.Cells["A1"], dataImportProps);
//Stream the output back to the client
xla.Save(wb, Page.Response, "Output.xlsx", false);
替代方法 - 使用 ExcelTemplate 导入
ExcelTemplate 还具有DataBindingProperties,用于控制在调用ExcelTemplate.BindData时如何导入数据。属性之一DataBindingProperties.Transpose将旋转数据。此属性仅在数据源为二维数组时生效。
//Open a template with placeholder data markers
ExcelTemplate xlt = new ExcelTemplate();
//Create DataBindingProperties and set it to transpose the data
DataBindingProperties dataBindProps = xlt.CreateDataBindingProperties();
dataBindProps.Transpose = true;
//Bind data to the template
//data is of type object[][]
//colNames is of type string[] e.g {"Date", "Name", "Address", "Age"}
xlt.BindData(data, colNames, "DataSource", dataBindProps);
//Process and save the template
xlt.Save(Page.Response, "Output.xlsx", false);
默认情况下,ExcelTemplate 不导入列名。要转置和导入列名,您需要在模板中作为单独的数据标记(即 %%=$HeaderNames)并单独调用ExcelTemplate.BindColumnData以将标题名称导入列。
//headerNames is of type object[]
//dataBindProps2 is a second DataBindingProperties that is not set to transpose
xlt.BindColumnData(headerNames, "HeaderNames", dataBindProps2);