我一直在浏览和玩弄 netsuite 的功能,因为遇到的一个功能是 SAML 单点登录。我无法理解它是如何工作的,甚至无法让它工作。
我已经阅读了有关套件答案的大量 SAML 文档,但它们让我感到困惑。
有没有人有一个有效的 netsuite SAML 代码示例或文档?
一个 hurl.it 也足够了!
I don't have a specific SAML snippet, but IIRC SSO needs to be enabled/provisioned. Kindly navigate to Setup, Company, View Billing Information. There must be users provisioned towards the bottom under: Two Factor Authentication Users (Should show Provisioned Quantity and Used Quantity.) I believe there is also a place on Role Permissions where a Role can be defined as single Sign On ONLY - but I don't think that is what you are asking.
Like I said, I have no snippet, however on the Suite-Answers Site, They give me a reference Link that has a PDF that shows a sample for you. The PDF Itself is Located here: https://system.netsuite.com/core/media/media.nl?id=7490306&c=NLCORP&h=cd5c1c4877483ebab26b&_xt=.pdf
I've made an offline http nonsecured version here stored in Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ohiu6f308szu6rd/SAML_Setup_ADFS_Netsuite.pdf