
class Person {}
class Student extends Person {}
class Teacher extends Person {}

class Session {
  List<Student> students = new ArrayList();
  List<Teacher> teachers = new ArrayList();

  // add a person to the teaching session.
  // They should be placed into the appropriate lists
  public void enroll(Person p)
    if (p instanceof Student)
      students.add((Student) p)
    else if (p instanceof Teacher)
      teachers.add((Teacher) p)



public void enroll(Student p)

public void enroll(Teacher p)




5 回答 5

  1. Session需要有一个重载的注册方法,就像你的问题一样。
  2. abstract enroll将方法添加到作为参数的PersonSession

    public abstract void enroll (Session s);

  3. TeacherStudent每个覆盖enroll

    public void enroll (Session s) {
于 2013-05-28T17:49:06.650 回答

最简单的方法是向isTeacher()person 类添加一个方法。


abstract class Person {
  public abstract boolean isTeacher();

class Teacher extends Person {
  public boolean isTeacher() { return true; }

class Student extends Person {
  public boolean isTeacher() {return false; }

abstract class Session {
  public void enroll(Person p) {
    if (p.isTeacher()) teachers.add((Teacher)p);
    else student.add((Student)p);


abstract class Person {
  public abstract Teacher asTeacher();
  public abstract Student asStudent();

class Student extends Person {
  public Student asStudent() { return this; }
  public Teacher asTeacher() { return null; }

class Teacher extends Person {
  public Student asStudent() { return null; }
  public Teacher asTeacher() { return this; }

class Session extends Person {
  public void enroll(Person p) {
    Teacher t = p.asTeacher();
    if (t != null) teachers.add(t);
    else students.add(p.asStudent());


于 2013-05-28T17:34:45.363 回答

问题p instanceof Student在于您根据不是方法调用的内容更改行为,因此将来的更改将很困难(即,如果您添加另一个 Person 子类)。


  • Why you need to create a hierarchy of Person? It's possible in your system that someone that is a student can be a teacher in another course? If that is the case, you have some information about a person, and what changes is the role of that person for a course. So is not convenient to use inheritance for that, use composition and create an object that represents the role of a Person in a course.

  • You can add a isTeacher method, or use a visitor pattern to split the collection. That will be a little bit better than the instanceof. But in my opinion the problem is still in the incorrect class hierarchy.

For example, using "roles":

enum Role { TEACHER, STUDENT; }

class Session {
   List<SessionEnrolment> enrollments = new ArrayList<>();

   public void enroll(Person p, Role role)
       enrollments.add(new SessionEnrollment(p, role));

   public List<Person> getTeachers() {
      List<Person> result = new ArrayList<>();
      for (SessionEnrolment e : enrollments) {
            if (e.isTeacher()) { result.add(e.getPerson()); }
            return result;

Using a isTeacher method:

public void enroll(Person p)
    if (p.isTeacher()) { teachers.add(p); } else { students.add(p); }

As you can see having a isTeacher method for all persons looks awkward. And the role solution reflects better the temporal property of being a student or teacher.

You can use a visitor, and it will save you from the ugly isTeacher in Person; but to me that solution is overcomplicated, and you'll translate the "uglyness" to the Visitor interface.

于 2013-05-28T17:57:45.260 回答


List<Student> students = new ArrayList<>();
List<Teacher> teachers = new ArrayList<>();


于 2013-05-28T16:53:20.107 回答


class Session {
  StudentList students = new StudentList();
  TeacherList teachers = new TeacherList();

  // add a person to the teaching session.
  // They should be placed into the appropriate lists
  public void enroll(Person p)
     p.addMe(students, teachers);

public class StudentList extends ArrayList<Student> {

public class TeacherList extends ArrayList<Teacher> {

public abstract class Person {
    public abstract void addMe(StudentList sList, TeacherList tList);

public class Student extends Person {
    public void addMe(StudentList sList, TeacherList tList) {

public class Teacher extends Person {
    public void addMe(StudentList sList, TeacherList tList) {
于 2013-05-28T16:54:21.663 回答