在阅读了很多相关帖子之后,我还没有找到解决这个问题的有效方法。当我的应用程序使用静态方法调整 Bitmap 对象的大小时Bitmap.createBitmap
HashMap < Integer , BoardImage > boardsImages = new HashMap<Integer, BoardImage>();
public synchronized void addBoard(BoardImage b) {
// check if the board isn't already exists
if (boardsImages.get( b.getBoardNumber() ) == null){
parent.addButton(b.getBoardNumber()); // add new button
// resize the image to strech over the canves
int newWidth = getWidth(), // the new width of the image
newHeight = getHeight(),// the new height of the image
width = b.getBoardBitmap().getWidth(),// the old width of the image
height = b.getBoardBitmap().getHeight();// the old height of the image
// resize the image
Bitmap resized = resizeBitmap(newWidth, newHeight,width,height,b.getBoardBitmap());
// update the object
boardsImages.put(b.getBoardNumber(), b);
public Bitmap resizeBitmap(int newWidth, int newHeight,int curWidth,int curHeight,Bitmap img){
float scaleWidth = ((float) newWidth) / curWidth;
float scaleHeight = ((float) newHeight) / curHeight;
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.postScale(scaleWidth, scaleHeight);
Bitmap resized = Bitmap.createBitmap(img, 0, 0, curWidth, curHeight, matrix, true);
return resized;
BoardImage 类(部分):
transient private Bitmap boardBitmap = null;
public void setBoardBitmap(Bitmap b){
boardBitmap = b;
public Bitmap getBoardBitmap(){
return boardBitmap;
public void recycleBitmap(){
boardBitmap = null;
,我在 Logcat 收到此消息:
Grow heap (frag case) to 8.169MB for 1818612-byte allocation
当堆大小达到其限制(在我的 AVD 中设置为 32MB)时,程序会崩溃并出现OutOfMemory