我正在 mac OSX 中编写一个 bash 脚本。现在我想设置图书管理员,
echo "installing the librarian-chef gem"
gem install librarian-chef
echo "librarian-chef installing cookbooks from the recipies"
librarian-chef install
然后运行它。以便 bash 脚本的其余部分可以完成,但我一直得到这个line 31: librarian-chef: command not found
echo "librarian-chef installing cookbooks from the recipies"
source ~/.bash_profile
librarian-chef install
./vagrant_prepare.sh: line 30: ~/.bash_profile: No such file or directory
顺便说一句,我确实有 bash 个人资料
ls -a
. .bash_history .dropbox .rbenv .viminfo Dumps Pictures temp
.. .bash_profile .gem .redis Desktop Library Public test.sh
.CFUserTextEncoding .bundler .gitconfig .ruby-version Documents Movies VirtualBox VMs
.DS_Store .cache .local .ssh Downloads Music Work
.Trash .config .pow .vagrant.d Dropbox Nexus chronosphere.sh