
what are the technics to update an addon in Firefox? I want an update method, that will not inform users about whole process.

In Chrome it works fine, you just need to update your extension in the Chrome Web Store and in few minutes your extension is being updated in browser.

Is it possible, to accomplish an update for firefox without using addons.mozilla?


1 回答 1


Firefox 不久前切换到附加组件的静默更新,默认情况下不会通知用户更新 - 与 Chrome 相同。无重启扩展(自举或基于插件SDK)将立即更新,经典插件将在下次浏览器重启时更新。

至于更新机制:不是通过 addons.mozilla.org 分发的扩展可以提供自定义updateURL值。将定期查询此 URL 以查找您的附加组件的更新。更新机制有据可查

于 2013-05-29T07:54:17.230 回答