I'm programming in Javascript.

I need to dynamically generate the event handlers for the onclick event.

Here above the code:

for (var i = 1; i < CurrValue; i++) {
    getId('btnReadRFIDTag_' + i).onclick = function () 
        ReadRFIDTag(getId('txtCode_' + i));


The problem, obviously is that at run time the i variable get the latest value and not the right value.

But I can't fix the problem, because the handler does not allow parameters for the function.

How can I solve this problem?

Thank you.

Have a good day.


1 回答 1





for (var i = 1; i < CurrValue; i++) {
    getId('btnReadRFIDTag_' + i).onclick = buildHandler(i);
function buildHandler(index) {
    return function() {
        ReadRFIDTag(getId('txtCode_' + index));

由 构建的函数buildHandler关闭index来自该调用的参数buildHandler,而不是 over i,因此它看到了正确的值。

使用 ES5Function#bind

如果你可以依赖 ES5(或者你包含一个 ES5 shim,因为这是一个 shimable 功能),你可以这样做Function#bind

// Using Function#bind (option 1)
for (var i = 1; i < CurrValue; i++) {
    var elm = getId('btnReadRFIDTag_' + i);
    elm.onclick = function(index) {
        ReadRFIDTag(getId('txtCode_' + index));
    }.bind(elm, i);


// Using Function#bind (option 2)
for (var i = 1; i < CurrValue; i++) {
    var elm = getId('btnReadRFIDTag_' + i);
    elm.onclick = myHandler.bind(elm, i);

function myHandler(index) {
    ReadRFIDTag(getId('txtCode_' + index));


不要在每个按钮上放置一个处理程序,如果它们都在一个容器中(当然,最终它们是,即使它只是document.body),你可以把处理程序放在那个容器上,然后event.target用来找出哪个按钮是点击。我不会用 old-style 这样做onclick,但你可以用addEventListeneror attachEvent

var container = /* ...get the container... */;
if (container.addEventListener) {
    container.addEventListener('click', clickHandler, false);
else if (container.attachEvent) {
    container.attachEvent('onclick', function(e) {
       return clickHandler.call(this, e || window.event);
else {
    // I wouldn't bother supporting something that doesn't have either

function clickHandler(e) {
    var btn = e.target;
    while (btn && btn !== this && btn.id.substring(0, 15) !== "btnReadRFIDTag_") {
        btn = btn.parentNode;
    if (btn && btn !== this) {
        ReadRFIDTag(getId('txtCode_' + btn.id.substring(15)));


于 2013-05-28T14:34:10.073 回答