I am using VS2012 Premium. I do not have a menu item to launch the Data Sources window. According to MSDN I should have a menu item:

On the menu bar, choose View, Other Windows, Data Sources (or choose the Shift+Alt+D keys).

but I have no such item.

The shortcut doesn't work either. I have reset the shortcut from Shift+Alt+D (which drops down the Debug menu item) to something else but this still does not display the window.

I have created a new VS solution which is not an MVC website (a WCF application) to address this suggestion that the option is hidden in MVC sites.

I have also run devenv /ResetSettings as suggested on this MSDN forum posting.

Has anyone any ideas how I can launch the Data Sources window?



3 回答 3


这取决于您选择的项目类型。例如,WCF 服务应用程序项目不会向您显示此选项,而WCF 服务库项目将向您显示该选项。

于 2013-05-28T14:43:32.577 回答

我遇到的问题是使用 RDLC 文件时我的报告数据窗格丢失了。

单击主要设计工作区域的某个位置(在我的情况下,是我正在更新的 RDLC 的设计区域)。

然后转到查看菜单 -> 报告数据。



于 2014-04-16T23:17:28.263 回答

Another possible solution for some:

I've noticed that the View > Other Windows > Data Sources option is not available when the active file in the main window is a .sql query file (I'm sure this would be the case for other types of files as well).

In this case, simply selecting a file associated with the solution will make the View > Other Windows > Data Sources option available again.

于 2015-12-19T16:22:40.843 回答