
在我对一些视频 php 脚本的测试中,当我搜索文件时,我在移动版本中遇到了错误,所以我在其他格式旁边添加(flv)现在会显示加载但视频在这里不起作用是代码

        $ext = strtolower(array_pop(explode('.', $video['url_flv'])));
        if($ext == 'mov' || $ext == 'm4a'|| $ext == 'm4v' || $ext == 'mp4' || $ext == 'm2a' || $ext == 'm2v' || $ext == '3g2' || $ext == '3gp' || $ext == 'mp3') {
        if($ext == 'mp3' || $ext == 'm4a')
            $type = 'audio';
            $type = 'video';
        $embed_code = 'Loading...</div>'; //Close this div as we will insert the player with javascript
        $embed_code.= '<div><script language="javascript">
            var screenw = window.outerWidth;
            var screenh = screenw/16*9; //Common video format + 20px for controls

            tag = \'<'.$type.' id="playingvid" style="width:\' + screenw + \'px;'.(($type=='video')?'height:\' + screenh + \'px;':'').'" controls allowfullscreen>\'+

                \'  <source src="';
        if($video['source_id']==1 && substr($video['url_flv'],0,7) != 'http://'){
        $embed_code.= '"></video>\';
            $("#video_player .videoWrapper").html(tag);
            $(window).resize(function() {
             var screenw = document.body.clientWidth;
             var screenh = screenw/16*9; //Common video format + 20px for controls

        } else {
            $embed_code = $lang['suggest_msg5'];

1 回答 1


大多数(任何?)移动设备都不支持 FLV 视频。您需要将其转换为广泛支持的内容。

于 2013-05-28T14:02:09.803 回答