tstring subItemText;
CDC* pDc = GetListCtrl().GetDC();
for (int row = GetItemCount() - 1; row >= 0; --row)
subItemText = _T("");
for (int col = 0; col < NumCol; ++col)
subItemText = this->GetSubItemString( GetItemData(row), col);
CSize sz;
// get length of the string in logical units, by default 1 unit == 1 pixel, type of font is accounted
sz = pDc->GetOutputTextExtent(subItemText.c_str());
if (static_cast<int>(sz.cx) > ColWidth[col])
ColWidth[col] = sz.cx;
GetListCtrl().ReleaseDC (pDc);
for (int col = 0; col < NumCol; ++col)
SetColumnWidth(col, ColWidth[col]);
结果,列的宽度比该列中最大的字符串之一大 20/30%。我希望列的宽度等于最大长度的字符串的宽度。