您好,我正在使用 admob、JumpTap、Mobclix 和 InMobi 实施连环调解。而flurry调解文件说,
To implement an Ad Network you must perform the following steps:
1. Include the Ad Network Android SDK with your app and add it to the build path. Follow the
instructions from the Ad network on how to complete this step.
2. Create the proper “activity” and “meta-data” tags in AndroidManifest.xml
a. the first meta-data tag instructs the SDK about how to find the API_KEY
b. the second meta-data tag instructs the SDK whether to request test ads
3. Add your API_KEY in strings.xml
这是否意味着我需要为每个广告网络(如 adMob、JumpTap、Mobclix 和 InMobi)提供 api 密钥?