我正在尝试导出使用 google play 服务库的应用程序。但是有一个 lint 警告阻止我导出应用程序,即使我已经清理了项目。但它在模拟器中运行良好。这是它显示的警告:

"common_google_play_services_install_title" is translated here but not found in default locale
Issue: Checks for translations that appear to be unused (no default language string)
Id: ExtraTranslation
If a string appears in a specific language translation file, but there is no corresponding string in the default locale, then this string is probably unused. (It's technically possible that your application is only intended to run in a specific locale, but it's still a good idea to provide a fallback.).
Note that these strings can lead to crashes if the string is looked up on any locale not providing a translation, so it's important to clean them up.[]



1 回答 1


转到 Eclipse 中的窗口,然后转到首选项。点击Android旁边的箭头,你会发现Lint Error Checking。取消选中第二个复选框“导出应用程序时运行完整的错误检查,如果发现致命错误则中止”。你很高兴。

于 2013-05-28T11:48:54.970 回答