Consider the following Mongoose schema:
new mongoose.Schema({
attributes: [{
key: { type: String, required: true },
references: [{
value: { type: String, required: true },
reference: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, required: true }
A document that follows this schema would look like this:
attributes: [
key: 'age', references: [{ value: '35', reference: 298387adef... }]
key: 'name', references: [{
value: 'Joe', reference: 13564afde...,
value: 'Joey', reference: 545675cdab...,
I'd like to select attributes according to the following conditions:
- the key is name
for example
- the attribute with key name
has a least one reference with a value Joe
Ideally, I'd like to AND-chain many of these conditions. For example, {'name': 'Joe'}
and {'age': '35'}
I can't seem to find a way of doing that Mongoose. I've tried the following Mongoose queries without any good results (it gives either false positives or false negatives):
// First query
query.where('attributes.key', attribute.key);
query.where('attributes.references.value', attribute.value);
// Second
query.and([{ 'attributes.key': attribute.key }, { 'attributes.$.references.value': attribute.value }]);
// Third
query.where('attributes', { 'key': attribute.key, 'references.value': { $in: [attribute.value] }});
So how do I do it?