I have a class which manages method pointers:

template<class C>
class Prioritizer {
  typedef int (C::*FNMETHOD) ( );
  typedef std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<FNMETHOD> > methlist;

  // associate priority values with methods
  virtual void setPrio(unsigned int iPrio, FNMETHOD f);

  // call all methods for given priority
  virtual void execPrio(C *pC, int iPrio);

the method execPrio() needs a pointer to the class to which the method pointer belongs in order to call this method

FNMETHOD f = ...;

Now i have a base class owning such a Prioritizer object. But this object must only be specialized in derived classes (otherwise i could only use methods of the base class). In the end i want to be able to have a collection (eg vector) of classes derived from Base and call the methods organized by their Prioritizer objects.

The best i came up with is this:

template<class C>
class Base {
    // ... other stuff ...
    Prioritizer<C> m_prio;

class Der1 : public Base<Der1> {
     virtual int testDer1();
     int init() {
       m_prio->setPrio(7, testDer1);

To me it seems awkward to specialize a template with the class one is about to define...

Is there a better way?

Thank You Jody


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于 2013-05-28T10:12:29.550 回答