使用 IIS7,URL Rewrite 2 在服务器 SRV 上有一个 MVC4 应用程序 APP。应该发生以下重写。
http://SRV/APP into http://SRV/APP/
我尝试创建 AddTrailingSlash 规则。但是,它不适用于应用程序的根。它确实适用于根目录下的目录,因此完成了以下重写
http://SRV/APP/pipapo into http://SRV/APP/pipapo/
使用 IIS7,URL Rewrite 2 在服务器 SRV 上有一个 MVC4 应用程序 APP。应该发生以下重写。
http://SRV/APP into http://SRV/APP/
我尝试创建 AddTrailingSlash 规则。但是,它不适用于应用程序的根。它确实适用于根目录下的目录,因此完成了以下重写
http://SRV/APP/pipapo into http://SRV/APP/pipapo/
<!--Add trailing slash to root non-file url-->
<rule name="Add trailing slash" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="(.*)" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
<!--Match uri's missing trailing slash-->
<add input="{PATH_INFO}" pattern="(.*[^/])$" />
<!--Ignore any uri containing a period (probably a better way to do this but IsFile was not behaving as expected for me)-->
<add input="{PATH_INFO}" pattern="(.*?)\.(.*?)" negate="true"/>
<action type="Redirect" redirectType="Permanent" url="{PATH_INFO}/" />
By default, the built in add trailing slash does not apply to directories or filenames... If you want it to apply to directories (like in the above example http(s)://srv/app), you have to modify the rule and delete the Condition that has "Type: Is Not a Directory". Don't forget to apply...
Happy URL Rewriting! :)