I'd like to create a website with authentication using REST framework. Well I'd not like to use it because I didn't understand everything about it, but I have to.

Can I use the REST API and yet have custom templates for administration and simple browsing ?

What I mean is that when I did the REST tutorial (on their website), I didn't see at all where I could put my templates instead of the ones generated by REST. How can I for example use the authentication of REST with my interface, my web template ?


1 回答 1


无法弄清楚自定义模板是什么意思?如果您想从 REST 开始,那么您可以从 jersey 框架开始。出于安全考虑,您可以使用 OPenID 或最新的 OAuth2.0 规范

这是我的 REST + OAuth2.0 教程 http://restful-fundamentals.blogspot.in/2013/02/rest-and-http.html


谷歌代码仓库:http ://restful-fundamentals.blogspot.in/2013/04/svn-repository-oauth20-spectifications.html

于 2013-05-28T09:29:21.800 回答