I thoroughly searched for how to analyze the playing sound with minim but found no good results.

I'm using the following Software:

  • Eclipse Juno
  • Java 1.7.0_21-b11
  • Processing 2.0b9 Librarys
  • Minim 2.0.2 library only

I think of it as opening the "currently active" system-line and printing the level to the console for example.

A real example would be:

  • I have no sound-output at all, start my program and 0 gets printed in a loop
  • I play a soundfile with windows media player for example and the level gets printed
  • as I pause the music 0 gets printed again

I built myself an Adalight and connected my guitar to the computer. Now I try to change the light color to red for example if I hit the strings. But because I use a multieffect device I can't analyse the Input (it works over a ASIO and doesnt show amplitude in system devices).


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