I can't seem to find anywhere online the browser compatibility for the CSS Marquee properties. Can someone give me some information about which browsers (and versions) it works on.

P.s. I know some will say not to use marquees, but it's a requirement for one of our clients. And I'd rather use CSS properties than Javascript or the tag.

Here's the W3.org page on it. http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-marquee/#the-marquee-style

EDIT (08/10/203): Since this question, I have been experimenting and noticed that you can simulate a Marquee using CSS animation keyframes. Support is greater.


1 回答 1


目前,CSS3 Marquee 仅在 Webkit 浏览器(Chrome 和 Safari)中受支持。

请注意,可用于 marquee 元素的唯一扩展名是-webkit-marquee(没有-moz--o--ms-'general' marquee 等效项)。

Marquee 在 Firefox 中的实施状态目前尚未得到证实,我目前还找不到任何有关在 IE 或 Opera 中实施它的计划的信息。

于 2013-05-28T09:01:41.797 回答