I want to include a webpage into another, but preferably without an iframe, since I hate the scrollbars in the middle of the page.

Lets say I want to include A as a part of B

I tried doing it by creating a div on B where I wanted to include A then loading the page using JQuery like this:

$(document).ready(function() { 
    $('#inv_view').html('loading...').load("{% url 'invoice.invoice.view' invoice.ID %}");

My problem is that A uses its own set of CSS styles and these override the styles on B when A is loaded. How can i prevent this?

Again, I know it is easily done with an iframe, but... Meh


2 回答 2




将此类放在每个模板中的 body 标记上。

当您将一个页面拉入另一个页面时,只需将其与您的班级一起包装在一个 div 中。

于 2013-05-28T08:33:16.910 回答

您可以通过 PHP 轻松地做到这一点。以下是您需要采取的步骤:

1:将您的两个文件从更改.html.php(这将允许读取 php)

2:在要包含来自 fileA 的内容的 fileB 中,写入以下内容:

        <?php include 'fileA.php' ?>

3:在您的文件A 中,删除<html><header><body>标签。只需将要传输的内容保留到 fileB 即可。

为避免发生 CSS 更改,您需要id在有重叠冲突的地方添加 's。另一种选择:您也可以将所有 fileA 放在一个 div 中。然后,在样式重叠的地方直接访问 div,如下例所示:

p {
#fileA p {
于 2013-05-28T08:43:09.047 回答