I am setting Arquillian with CDI , hibernate and tomcat-embedded 7. I could find a few example for CDI and tomcat-embedded 7 and it is working fine with my Arquillian tests, but I couldn't find any resources or example for setting Arquillian with hibernate and tomcat-embedded. (samples for setting data source , persistence.xml, shrinkWrap )

I will appriciate anything in this regard ( example , URL , blog, source code).

The only thing which I could find for tomcat and Arquillian is this URL https://github.com/arquillian/arquillian-container-tomcat/ , but there is nothing related to JPA (hibernate) settings in these examples


1 回答 1


我设法在 Embedded-tomcat 7 上使用 Hibernate、Weld CDI、H2 嵌入式数据库设置了一个 Arquillian 项目。这是 Github 上的链接https://github.com/Yasharbi/Arquillian-TomcatEmbedded-Hibernate-CDI-H2.git

于 2013-06-04T10:50:18.300 回答