i was created Normal php script with headers for send the mail to my clients, my clients are have business mail account on their own domain mail account. The mail function working fine for any personal account like gmail,yahoo. But if i send the mail to any business mail account it's not going to in-box , but the mail status say successfully send. i had checked my mail function headers it's also looking fine. and also i had tried another php mail function like PHP-Mailer, RMail , These third-party function also return value true, but mail was not in inbox. my server os in Linux, please clear this any one, thanks advance


1 回答 1


只要邮件成功离开服务器,您的邮件函数就会返回成功发送。收件人的服务器是否接收并接受电子邮件,对于您的邮件功能来说是未知的,并且完全不在您的控制范围内。由于您提到发送到您的个人电子邮件地址的测试邮件全部到达,我认为问题不在于您的 PHP 程序,而在于收件人邮件服务器不接受电子邮件。很可能它们被过滤为垃圾邮件。防止这种情况的一个好方法是使用有效域上的真实电子邮件地址和该域上的 SMTP 服务器(相同的 IP 地址)来发送邮件。否则,很多邮件服务器会看到发送邮件的程序的IP地址和“FROM”字段中的邮件服务器的IP地址不一样,并将其标记为垃圾邮件。

于 2013-05-28T06:39:07.170 回答