不小心丢失了xdebug.ini文件/etc/php5/conf.d夹中的文件。当我尝试使用安装 xdebug 时,如何恢复它apt-get,它会给出如下注释。

Not replacing deleted config file /etc/php5/conf.d/xdebug.ini


I lost my xdebug.ini file on my ubuntu slice. What happened was that I had accidentally installed xdebug via apt-get as well as pecl. I was removing the pecl installation, which also removed the ini file. I then tried reinstalling through apt-get, but i get the message: 

Setting up php5-xdebug (2.0.3-1) ...
Not replacing deleted config file /etc/php5/conf.d/xdebug.ini

Aaaaaarghhhh!! How do I get back my ini file??? anyone have a clue?
rubing January 2009
I just fixed this by purging xdebug using dpkg with the -P flag. And then reinstalling with apt-get. No worries!

Ah geez, it looks the whole file is just a link to the module:


2 回答 2


您删除的文件 (/etc/php5/conf.d/xdebug.ini) 仅包含以下行:


尽管路径可能与旧 PHP 版本的路径不同 - 检查 /usr/lib/php5 下的目录名称并使用它。

@tetet 已经提供了替代选项。

于 2013-06-23T10:11:43.063 回答

也许 'apt-get install --reinstall' 会为您解决问题。否则在 /etc/php5/conf.d 中触摸 xdebug.ini 并重试,触摸会创建一个空文件。

另一种方法是解压缩下载的 debian 包并从那里复制配置文件: dpkg-deb -x 。

于 2013-05-28T08:44:11.973 回答