
open Lwt;;
open Cohttp;;
(* a simple function to access the content of the response *)
let content = function
  | Some (_, body) -> Cohttp_lwt_unix.Body.string_of_body body

(* launch both requests in parallel *)
let t = Lwt_list.map_p Cohttp_lwt_unix.Client.get
  (List.map Uri.of_string
     [ "http://example.org/";
       "http://example2.org/" ])

(* maps the result through the content function *)
let t2 = t >>= Lwt_list.map_p content

(* launch the event loop *)
let v = Lwt_main.run t2


Ocamlbuild file.native


这些模块是通过 opam 安装的,当我运行时

ocamlfind query lwt 
ocamlfind query cohttp

如何让 Ocamlbuild 找到这两个包?


Ocamlbuild -pkgs cohttp,lwt file.native 




2 回答 2


Cohttp 已更新,因此我已更正您的代码以使用最新版本:

open Lwt;;
open Cohttp;;
(* a simple function to access the content of the response *)
let content = function
| Some (_, body) -> Cohttp_lwt_body.string_of_body body
| None -> assert false

(* launch both requests in parallel *)
let t = Lwt_list.map_p Cohttp_lwt_unix.Client.get
(List.map Uri.of_string
    [ "http://google.com";
    "http://yahoo.com" ])

(* maps the result through the content function *)
let t2 = t >>= Lwt_list.map_p content

(* launch the event loop *)
let v = Lwt_main.run t2


ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -pkgs cohttp.lwt file.native


1)您应该使用-use-ocamlfindwithocamlbuild来使用 opam(或任何其他已安装的 ocaml 库)

2) 要将 cohttp 与 lwt 一起使用,您应该使用该cohttp.lwt软件包。添加lwt也不是绝对必要的。

于 2013-05-28T03:00:28.787 回答

I resolved this issue by uninstalling the version of ocaml-findlib that I had installed through my distro's package manager. For some reason, ocamlbuild was trying to use it instead of the version provided by opam, despite the latter being first on my $PATH.

The version of ocamlfind that had been installed via my distro's package manager could not find the local packages I had installed via opam.

According to http://brion.inria.fr/gallium/index.php/Using_ocamlfind_with_ocamlbuild, ocamlbuild has included support for ocamlfind via the -use-ocamlfind flag since 3.12 so you should be good with that regard. You can check via ocamlbuild --help | grep ocamlfind. If your version supports it, then you should be able to build your package as @rgrinberg described.

于 2013-09-27T07:40:49.683 回答