I'm trying to automate the Google Translate web interface with Selenium (but it's not necessary to understand Selenium to understand this question, just know that it finds elements and clicks them). I'm stuck on selecting the language to translate from.
I can't get to the point where the drop-down menu opens, as seen in the screenshot below.
Now, I want to select 'Japanese'.
This xpath expression works: $b.find_element(:xpath,"//*[@id=':13']/div").click
But I would rather have one where I can just input the name of the language.
This xpath expression also works: $b.find_element(:xpath,"//*[contains(text(),'Japanese')]").click
But only as long as there is no other 'Japanese' text on the page.
So I'm trying to narrow down the scope of my xpath, but when I try to specify the path to take to find the 'Japanese' text, the expression no longer works, I can't find the element: $b.find_element(:xpath,"//*div[@id='gt-sl-gms']/*[contains(text(),'Japanese')]").click
It also no longer works for the original xpath either: $b.find_element(:xpath,"//*div[@id='gt-sl-gms']/*[@id=':13']/div").click
Which is weird, because to bring down the drop-down menu, I use this xpath $b.find_element(:xpath,"//*[@id='gt-sl-gms']/*[contains(text(),'From:')]").click
So it's not that I have two wildcards in my expression and it's not that my expression is too specific. There's something else that I'm missing and I'm sure it's really simple.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Edit Other things I have tried unsuccessfully: