我正在尝试使用函数在 Access 表中查找 Excel 单元格中的值,并从 Access 表中匹配行的列中返回值。

我正在使用下面的代码,但即使我在 Access db 中得到完全匹配,它仍然会返回 #value。

Dim adoCN As ADODB.Connection
Dim strSQL As String
Const DatabasePath As String = "\\aur\hobo_data\Corporate\Corporate\3DOCK2         
    \D_IMA\Teams\Data Architecture and Management\Projects\Payments Transformation\02 -  
    Documents\23 - Data Architecture Deliverables\11 - ODS & Data Mart Model\04 Fundtech  
    Data Provision\Payments Transformation.mdb"

'Function argument descriptions
'LookupFieldName - the field you wish to search
'LookupValue - the value in LookupFieldName you're searching for
'ReturnField - the matching field containing the value you wish to return

Public Function DBVLookUp(TableName As String, _
    LookUpFieldName As Long, _
    LookupValue As String, _
    ReturnField As String) As Variant

    Dim adoRS As ADODB.Recordset

    If adoCN Is Nothing Then SetUpConnection
    Set adoRS = New ADODB.Recordset
    strSQL = "SELECT [" & LookUpFieldName & "], [" & ReturnField & _
             "] FROM [" & TableName & _
             "] WHERE [" & LookUpFieldName & "]='" & LookupValue & "';"
    'If lookup value is a number, then remove the two
    adoRS.Open strSQL, adoCN, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
    If adoRS.BOF And adoRS.EOF Then
        DBVLookUp = "Value not Found"
        DBVLookUp = adoRS.Fields(ReturnField).Value
    End If
End Function

Sub SetUpConnection()
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler
    Set adoCN = New Connection
    adoCN.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" 'Change to 3.51 for Access 97
    adoCN.ConnectionString = DatabasePath
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "An error occurred"
End Sub

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