我有一个名为 Client 的视图类,它的视图模型是 ClientViewModel。ClientViewModel 有一个模型对象 ClientInfo。此 ClientInfo [Model] 是复杂对象,它具有称为 Client 和 ClientProfile 的模型类的属性。
我已经在 View 中绑定了我的 UI 元素的属性,如下所示,(我使用 xxx.yyy.zzz 来获取属性)
<Label Content="First Name:" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="3,5,0,4" VerticalAlignment="Center" Height="26" Width="70" />
<TextBox Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" Height="24" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="3,7,0,4" Name="firstNameTextBox" Text="{Binding Path=ClientInfo.Client.FirstName, Mode=TwoWay, ValidatesOnExceptions=true, NotifyOnValidationError=true}" VerticalAlignment="Center" Width="120" />
<Label Content="Last Name:" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="2" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="3,3,0,6" VerticalAlignment="Center" Height="26" Width="69" />
<TextBox Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="2" Height="24" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="3,5,0,6" Name="lastNameTextBox" Text="{Binding Path=ClientInfo.Client.LastName, Mode=TwoWay, ValidatesOnExceptions=true, NotifyOnValidationError=true}" VerticalAlignment="Center" Width="120" />
<Button Content="Save" Height="24" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" Command="{Binding SubmitCommand}" Cursor="Hand" Margin="549,10,10,0" Name="button1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" RenderTransformOrigin="-0.137,-1.804" />
public class ClientViewModel : NotificationObject
private readonly IClientService clientService;
private ClientInfo clientInfoModel;
private string currentState;
public DelegateCommand<object> SubmitCommand { get; private set; }
public DelegateCommand<object> UpdateCommand { get; private set; }
public DelegateCommand<object> LoadCommand { get; private set; }
public ClientInfo ClientInfoModel
get { return this.clientInfoModel; }
clientInfoModel = value;
this.RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.ClientInfoModel);
public ClientViewModel(IClientService clientService)
this.clientService = clientService;
this.SubmitCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(this.Submit);
this.UpdateCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(this.Update);
this.LoadCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(this.Load);
private void Load(object obj)
throw new NotImplementedException();
private void Update(object obj)
throw new NotImplementedException();
private void Submit(object obj)
string s = this.ClientInfoModel.ClientBasic.FirstName;//<--- this where i get the NPE exception
public string ViewName
get { return "Client Details"; }
public string CurrentState
return this.currentState;
if (this.currentState == value)
this.currentState = value;
this.RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.CurrentState);
public bool CanSubmit
get { return true; }
public void Submit()
this.CurrentState = "Submitting";
//this.clientRepository.SaveClientAsync(this.ClientInfoModel, result => { SaveClient(); });
private object SaveClient()
this.CurrentState = "Saving";
return null;
public class ClientInfo : DomainObject
public Client ClientBasic { get; set; }
public ClientProfile Profile { get; set; }
public class Client : DomainObject
public int ID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
private void Submit(object obj)
ClientInfo ci = new ClientInfo();
ci.Client <-- (here i would want to get the new Client obj assigned from properties?)
ci.ClientProfile <---(same as above)
这里的问题是,我需要用新的 Client() 和新的 ClientProfile() 对象填充 ClientInfo 模型。我有这个设置怎么能做到这一点。