我有两个匹配数据数组。一个与价值观有关,另一个与时间有关。我将时间四舍五入到最接近的 5 分钟,结果我有一个新的数组,其中包含重复的小时数。我将相等的时间分组,计算它们,将它们各自的值汇总到另一个数组中,然后取那个小时的平均值。这是代码:
$first_hour = array('11:01', '12:04', '13:00', '15:28', "15:43", "15:53", "15:55", "16:02", "16:05", "16:17", "16:15", "16:21", "16:25", "16:33", "16:35", "16:43", "16:45", "16:56", "16:58", "17:00", "17:04", "17:07", "17:19");
$values = array(12, 23, 5, 90, 12, 23, 45, 56, 12, 15, 43, 48, 54, 62, 52, 41, 74, 54, 84, 75, 96, 69, 36);
$minutes = 5;
$precision = 60 * $minutes;
$time = "00:00";
$average = 0;
//round first array to nearest 5 minutes
$timestamp = strtotime($first_hour);
$data_ora = date("H,i", round($timestamp / $precision) * $precision);
//the hours array will become like this:
$first_hour = array('11:00', '12:05', '13:00', '15:30', "15:45", "15:50", "15:55", "16:00", "16:05", "16:15", "16:15", "16:20", "16:25", "16:35", "16:35", "16:45", "16:45", "17:00", "17:00", "17:00", "17:05", "17:10", "17:20");
if ($first_hour == $time) {
if ($values[$i] > 0) {
$indexi = $indexi + 1;
$total = $total + $values;
echo "</br> total = ".$total;
} else {
$time = date("H,i", round($timestamp / $precision) * $precision);
//echo "time has changed";
$average = $total / $index;
$dataora = date("Y,m,d", round($timestamp)) . "," . $time;
//fill in the vectors
$v[1] = $average;
$v[2] = $dataora;
echo "</br> average = " . $v[1];
$indexi = 0;
$totali = 0;
"total = 2996
total = 3325
total = 3656
total = 3996
average = 333
total = 329
total = 652
total = 976
total = 1304
total = 1630
total = 1961
total = 2297
total = 2629
average = 328.625
total = 332
total = 660
total = 997
total = 1320
total = 1646
total = 1967