尝试将大小为 100x100 的灰度图像分割成大小为 39x39 的重叠块,步幅大小为 1。这意味着下一个从右侧/或下方开始一个像素的块仅与上一个块不同一个额外的列/或行。
patches = imgFlat[ind]
img = np.sum(patchesWithColFlat[ind],axis=2)
由于补丁重叠,最后有必要将 img 与预先计算的权重相乘:
imgOut = weights*imgOut
我的代码真的很慢,速度是一个关键问题,因为这应该在 ca 上完成。10^8 个补丁。
函数 get_indices_for_un_patchify 和 weights_unpatchify 可以预先计算一次,因此速度只是 patchify 和 unpatchify 的问题。
import numpy as np
import scipy
import collections
import random as rand
def get_indices_for_un_patchify(sImg,sP,step):
''' creates indices for fast patchifying and unpatchifying
sx image size
sp patch size
step offset between two patches (default == [1,1])
patchInd collection with indices
patchInd.img2patch patchifying indices
patch = img(patchInd.img2patch);
patchInd.patch2img unpatchifying indices
NOTE: * for unpatchifying necessary to add a 0 column to the patch matrix
* matrices are constructed row by row, as normally there are less rows than columns in the
lImg = np.prod(sImg)
indImg = np.reshape(range(lImg), sImg)
# no. of patches which fit into the image
sB = (sImg - sP + step) / step
lb = np.prod(sB)
lp = np.prod(sP)
indImg2Patch = np.zeros([lp, lb])
indPatch = np.reshape(range(lp*lb), [lp, lb])
indPatch2Img = np.ones([sImg[0],sImg[1],lp])*(lp*lb+1)
# default value should be last column
iRow = 0;
for jCol in range(sP[1]):
for jRow in range(sP[0]):
tmp1 = np.array(range(0, sImg[0]-sP[0]+1, step[0]))
tmp2 = np.array(range(0, sImg[1]-sP[1]+1, step[1]))
sel1 = jRow + tmp1
sel2 = jCol + tmp2
tmpIndImg2Patch = indImg[sel1,:]
# do not know how to combine following 2 lines in python
tmpIndImg2Patch = tmpIndImg2Patch[:,sel2]
indImg2Patch[iRow, :] = tmpIndImg2Patch.flatten()
# next line not nice, but do not know how to implement it better
indPatch2Img[min(sel1):max(sel1)+1, min(sel2):max(sel2)+1, iRow] = np.reshape(indPatch[iRow, :, np.newaxis], sB)
iRow += 1
pInd = collections.namedtuple
pInd.patch2img = indPatch2Img
pInd.img2patch = indImg2Patch
return pInd
def weights_unpatchify(sImg,pInd):
weights = 1./unpatchify(patchify(np.ones(sImg), pInd), pInd)
return weights
# @profile
def patchify(img,pInd):
imgFlat = img.flat
# imgFlat = img.flatten()
ind = pInd.img2patch.tolist()
patches = imgFlat[ind]
return patches
# @profile
def unpatchify(patches,pInd):
# add a row of zeros to the patches matrix
h,w = patches.shape
patchesWithCol = np.zeros([h+1,w])
patchesWithCol[:-1,:] = patches
patchesWithColFlat = patchesWithCol.flat
# patchesWithColFlat = patchesWithCol.flatten()
ind = pInd.patch2img.tolist()
img = np.sum(patchesWithColFlat[ind],axis=2)
return img
if __name__ =='__main__':
img = np.random.randint(255,size=[100,100])
sImg = img.shape
sP = np.array([39,39]) # size of patch
step = np.array([1,1]) # sliding window step size
pInd = get_indices_for_un_patchify(sImg,sP,step)
patches = patchify(img,pInd)
imgOut = unpatchify(patches,pInd)
weights = weights_unpatchify(sImg,pInd)
imgOut = weights*imgOut
print 'Difference of img and imgOut = %.7f' %sum(img.flatten() - imgOut.flatten())