对于一项调查,我试图从我的 php 页面中获取谷歌搜索结果。我抓取了六个结果,然后单击下一步按钮以获取下一页记录。但是在 9 页(例如 64 个结果)之后,它给出了以下错误:

stdClass Object
[responseData] => 
[responseDetails] => out of range start
[responseStatus] => 400


是否可以通过 cron 获取结果?还有其他方法吗?


2 回答 2



谷歌试图阻止抓取,因此服务器将被阻止,并且当他们怀疑抓取时请求将被丢弃。因此,如果您偶尔需要获取一些 google 搜索结果,则可以使用它。检查google-scraper.squabbel.com以获取基于代理的爬虫以及有关 google 阻止机制的更多信息。这也违反了他们的政策,因此是非法的。

google api 不允许超过 64 个结果,因此如果您需要更多结果,您需要自己抓取网站。因为这是一个有趣的项目,所以我创建了一个类来为你做这件事。

它需要免费的PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser,因此您还需要下载此代码。


array(100) {
  array(3) {
    string(67) "Online Tests - Online aptitude tests for interview, competitive ..."
    string(36) "http://www.indiabix.com/online-test/"
    string(168) "Online aptitude tests for competitive examination, entrance examination and 
    campus interview. Take various tests and find out how much you score before 
    you ... "
  array(3) {
    string(37) "Test your English - Cambridge English"
    string(50) "http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/test-your-english/"
    string(179) "Test Your English. This is a quick, free online test. It will tell you which Cambridge 
    English exam may be best for you. Click 'Begin Test' and answer each of the ... "

  //removed for better visibility



//start the scraper for google.com (english results)
$gs = new GoogleScraper();

//start the scraper for google.nl (dutch results)
//$gs = new GoogleScraper('https://www.google.nl');

//set your search query
$gs->SearchQuery('online exams');

//start loading the pages. You can enter any integer above 0

//dump the results, but its just an array so you can also do other things with it.  
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';


class GoogleScraper
  private $_results;
  private $_baseUrl;
  private $_searchQuery;
  private $_resultsPerPage;

   *  constructor
   *  I use the constructor to set all the defaults to keep it all in one place
  final public function __construct($baseUrl='')
    $this->_results = array();
    $this->_resultsPerPage = 100;

    if (empty($baseUrl)) {
      $this->_baseUrl = 'https://www.google.com';
    } else {
      $this->_baseUrl = $baseUrl;

   *  cleanup
  final public function __destruct()

   *  Set the query
  final public function SearchQuery($searchQuery)
    if (!(is_string($searchQuery) || is_numeric($searchQuery)))
      throw new Exception('Invalid query type');      

    $this->_searchQuery = $searchQuery;

   *  Set the number of results per page
  final public function ResultsPerPage($resultsPerPage)
    if (!is_int($resultsPerPage) || $resultsPerPage<10 || $resultsPerPage>100)
      throw new Exception('Results per page must be value between 10 and 100');      

    $this->_resultsPerPage = $resultsPerPage;

   *  Get the result
  final public function GetResults()
    return $this->_results;

   *  Scrape the search results
  final public function LoadPages($pages=1)
    if (!is_int($pages) || $pages<1)
      throw new Exception('Invalid number of pages');      
    if (empty($this->_searchQuery))
      throw new Exception('Missing search query');      

    $url = $this->_baseUrl . '/search?num='.$this->_resultsPerPage.'&q=' . urlencode($this->_searchQuery);
    $currentPage = 1;
    while($pages--) {
      if ($content = $this->LoadUrl($url)) {
        Load content in to simple html dom
        $html = new simple_html_dom();

        Find and handle search results
        $items = $html->find('div#ires li');
        foreach($items as $item) {
          Only normal search results have this container. Special results like found images or news dont have it.
          $check = $item->find('div.s');
          if (count($check)!=1) {

          $head = $item->find('h3.r a', 0);
          $result['title'] = $head->plaintext;

          If we dont have a title, there is no point in continuing
          if (empty($result['title'])) {

          $result['href'] = $head->href;

          Check if we can parse the URL for the actual url
          if (!empty($result['href'])) {
            $qs = explode('?', $result['href']);
            if (!empty($qs[1])) {
              parse_str($qs[1], $querystring);
              if (!empty($querystring['q'])) {
                $result['href'] = $querystring['q'];

          Try to find the description
          $info = $item->find('span.st', 0);
          $result['description'] = $info->plaintext;

          Add the results to the total
          $this->_results[] = $result;

        Find next page
        $url = $this->_baseUrl . '/search?num='.$this->_resultsPerPage.'&q=' . urlencode($this->_searchQuery) . '$start=' . ($currentPage*$this->_resultsPerPage);
      } else {
        throw new Exception('Failed to load page');


   *  Load the url
  final private function LoadUrl($url)
    if (!is_string($url))
      throw new Exception('Invalid url');      

    $options['http'] = array(
      'user_agent' => "GoogleScraper",
      'timeout' => 0.5
    $context = stream_context_create($options);

    $content = file_get_contents($url, null, $context);
    if (!empty($http_response_header))
      return (substr_count($http_response_header[0], ' 200 OK')>0) ? $content : false;

    return false;    


检查这个PHP Fiddle以查看它的实际效果。因为这个服务器可以经常使用它,所以谷歌有可能出现 503 错误。

于 2013-05-30T08:18:22.730 回答

您应该在通话之间添加一个 sleep(1) 作为冷却时间,否则可能会被禁止。您是否考虑过采用官方方式并获得谷歌 API 密钥?

于 2013-05-31T11:49:21.217 回答