我正在尝试使用Platypus为 OSX 10.8 上的交互式命令行程序创建应用程序启动器。我希望能够双击我的应用程序,并打开一个终端窗口,运行我的程序。问题是我的 Applescript(从 Octave 借来并适用于Julia)启动了一个终端窗口并尝试向其中吐出一些命令,但是我有一个相当大~/.bash_profile的干扰这个。有没有办法让我的 Applescript 打开一个非登录 shell,或者不是 source~/.bash_profile等?


# This is the startup procedure written as AppleScript to open a
# Terminal.app (if the Terminal.app is not already running) and start
# the Julia program.
# 20071007 removed: open -a /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app
osascript 2>&1>/dev/null <<EOF
  tell application "System Events" to set ProcessList to get name of every process
  tell application "Terminal"
    if (ProcessList contains "Terminal") or ((count of every window) is less than 1) then
      tell application "System Events" to tell process "Terminal" to keystroke "n" using command down
    end if
    do script ("exec bash -c \"PATH=${ROOT}/julia/bin:${PATH} OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1 FONTCONFIG_PATH=${ROOT}/julia/etc/fonts GIT_EXEC_PATH=${ROOT}/julia/libexec/git-core GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR=${ROOT}/julia/share/git-core exec '${ROOT}/julia/bin/julia'\"") in front window
  end tell

# Quit the Julia.application immediately after startup (ie. quitting
# it in the taskbar) because once it is started it cannot be restarted
# a second time. If Julia.app stays (eg. because of a crash) opened
# then restarting is not possible.
osascript 2>&1>/dev/null <<EOF
  tell application "julia"
  end tell

1 回答 1


通常,您不需要终端窗口来执行命令行内容。只有当您需要手动输入信息时,您才会使用终端。因此,您可能可以在终端窗口中使用“do shell script”而不是“do script”来运行命令。请注意,这样做不会使用您的 bash 配置文件。所以在applescript中单独尝试这个命令......

do shell script ("exec bash -c \"PATH=${ROOT}/julia/bin:${PATH} OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1 FONTCONFIG_PATH=${ROOT}/julia/etc/fonts GIT_EXEC_PATH=${ROOT}/julia/libexec/git-core GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR=${ROOT}/julia/share/git-core exec '${ROOT}/julia/bin/julia'\"")

然后您可以根据需要添加其他 applescript 命令,只是不要使用终端,因此您的 bash 配置文件将不会被使用。

于 2013-05-27T16:29:13.753 回答