I have a problem I'm trying to solve, but i feel I'm not solving it in the most efficient way. Any new light on this is appreciated.

This is the time span i want to look at

start = '2013-01-01';
end = '2013-01-08';

There is a list of assignments with start and end dates

assignments = [{start: '2013-01-01', end: '2013-01-01'},
               {start: '2013-01-01', end: '2013-01-02'},
               {start: '2013-01-01', end: '2013-01-03'},
               {start: '2013-01-01', end: '2013-01-04'}];

I want to end up with a result, each date in the time span with a value that represents how many assignments were active that day. This is what i want the result to look like:

result = [{date: '2013-01-01', value: 4},
          {date: '2013-01-02', value: 3},
          {date: '2013-01-03', value: 2},
          {date: '2013-01-04', value: 1},
          {date: '2013-01-05', value: 0},
          {date: '2013-01-06', value: 0},
          {date: '2013-01-07', value: 0},
          {date: '2013-01-08', value: 0}];

My attempts include iterating through each date in daterange and checking how many assignments fall on that day. I have also tried going the other way, iterating through assignments and then its start and end dates, pushing a value into an array for each date.

Are either of those ways on the right path or is there a smarter more efficient way?

Note: I'm doing this using javascript with underscore and moment js for dates.


1 回答 1






 a := number of assignments
 d := average duration of assignments (number of days per assignment)
 n := number of days in your range
then the runtimes would be
 O(a*d)    for iterating assignments and their duration
 O(a*d+n)  for that and building a result with all days
 O(a*n)    for iterating days and checking all assignments



于 2013-05-27T10:34:06.927 回答