I am trying to use convert in an where clause in the select statement. My query looks like this:
SELECT DISTINCT TOP 10 [SurveyResult].*
FROM [SurveyResult]
LEFT JOIN [Ticket] ON [SurveyResult].[TicketID] = [Ticket].[TicketID]
JOIN [SurveyResponse] AS SurveyResponse1 ON [SurveyResult].[ResultID] = SurveyResponse1.[ResultID]
JOIN [QuestionAnswer] AS QuestionAnswer1 ON SurveyResponse1.[AnswerID] = QuestionAnswer1.[AnswerID]
JOIN [SurveyQuestion] AS SurveyQuestion1 ON QuestionAnswer1.[QuestionID] = SurveyQuestion1.[QuestionID]
WHERE SurveyQuestion1.[SurveyID] = [SurveyResult].[SurveyID]
AND SurveyQuestion1.[QuestionID] = 'C86CB39A-8FE0-4FE8-B38F-17F1BE611016'
AND CONVERT(INT, SurveyResponse1.[Response]) >= 1
AND CONVERT(INT, SurveyResponse1.[Response]) <= 5
The problem is that I get some errors when converting the values to integer in the where statement.
I know I have some rows that don't contain numbers in the Response column but I filter those so without the convert part in the where clause I get only numbers so it works like this:
SELECT TOP 1000 [ResponseID]
FROM [WFSupport].[dbo].[SurveyResponse]
JOIN QuestionAnswer ON SurveyResponse.AnswerID = QuestionAnswer.AnswerID
WHERE QuestionAnswer.QuestionID = 'C10BF42E-5D51-46BC-AD89-E57BA80EECFD'
And in the results I get numbers but once I add the convert part in the statement I I get an error that it can't convert some text to numbers.