Hope this is very simple, but I am missing something.
This is my XML :
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?><PFA>
<Person id="11" action="add" date="20-Nov-2012">
<Roles RoleType="Primary Occupation">
<OccTitle OccCat="16">Deceased</OccTitle>
<Roles RoleType="Previous Roles">
<OccTitle SinceMonth="Nov" SinceYear="2010" ToMonth="Jan" ToYear="2011" OccCat="16">Candidate</OccTitle>
<OccTitle SinceMonth="Mar" SinceYear="2005" ToYear="2005" OccCat="16">Candidate,23</OccTitle>
<OccTitle OccCat="16">President</OccTitle>
<OccTitle SinceDay="22" SinceMonth="Oct" SinceYear="1993" ToDay="15" ToMonth="Mar" ToYear="2003" OccCat="1">President </OccTitle>
<OccTitle OccCat="7">Supreme Commander</OccTitle>
<OccTitle SinceDay="08" SinceMonth="Dec" SinceYear="1976" ToDay="14" ToMonth="Jul" ToYear="1978" OccCat="1">Prime Minister </OccTitle>
I am querying this xml to store the values in my table.
My Query -
SELECT t.personid, t.occtitle,r.roleid,t.sinceday,t.sincemonth,t.sinceyear,t.today,t.tomonth,t.toyear,t.occcat
FROM xml_files p,master_roletypelists r,
'for $i in PFA/Person/RoleDetail/Roles/OccTitle
return <row>
PASSING p.filecontent
personid number PATH '@id',
occtitle VARCHAR2(4000) PATH '.',
RoleType VARCHAR2(2000) PATH '@RoleType',
sinceday VARCHAR2(2000) PATH '@SinceDay',
sincemonth VARCHAR2(2000) PATH '@SinceMonth',
sinceyear VARCHAR2(2000) PATH '@SinceYear',
today VARCHAR2(2000) PATH '@ToDay',
tomonth VARCHAR2(2000) PATH '@ToMonth',
toyear VARCHAR2(2000) PATH '@ToYear',
occcat VARCHAR2(2000) PATH '@OccCat'
) t where t.roletype = r.rolename
But for this I am getting the column 'OCCTITLE' as null.
Please help me to modify my query to get the OccTitle node value as well. For example in OccTitle column in first row I am supposed to get the value "Deceased" instead of null.
If this is not the way to do this please help me to correct it. Any help would be appreciated.