i'm building a simple inventory system. so i created 3 tables

    This hold the invenotry name and owner, it gives flexibilty to hv more than 1 inventory for each user !.

    This hold items details. including item name,supplier, min amount for alarm.

    Transactions, Amount is -ve and +ve value

so when i load inventories of a user i do

select id,name from inventories where ownerId=$user->id

after that i loop the inventories id's to fetch items conatined within.

so i do

foreach($inv as $i){
$ret[$i->id]['items']= query('select * from inventory_items where inventoryId = $i->id');

What i need now to include in the above items query a field that is = to

Select sum(amount) from inventory_transaction where itemId=XXXX and inventoryId=XXXX

so that each item i fetch would include its current stock.

but problem is when i try

select *,
(select sum(amount) from inventory_transaction where itemId=XXXX and inventoryId=XXXX) as stock
 from inventory_items where inventoryId = $i->id'

i cannt reference the itemId nor the inventoryId using mysql

and when i do Join it only return items that have transactions..

so how can i do such command ?

i tried also

SELECT i.*,sum(v.amount) FROM `inventory_items` i,inventory_transactions v where v.itemId=i.id

and it works fine, but it doesnt return 1 Row.. not all items.

and do you think this database design is alright or is there a better method/design that i should follow ?

IS there a way that i can add a field to items table that is dynamically updated with the sum of amount from transaction table ?

thanks alot


1 回答 1


您需要使用“GROUP BY”来显示每个产品的金额总和,“GROUP BY”返回唯一的列组合,Group BY 通常与 sum() 之类的聚合一起使用来显示每个类别的总数或 max() 来显示每个类别的最高值


SELECT i.product,i.vendor,sum(v.amount) 
FROM `inventory_items` i,inventory_transactions v 
WHERE v.itemId=i.id
GROUP BY product,vendor;




Update Inventory_items as i
set i.total_amount = (
Select sum(v.amount) from inventory_transaction v
where v.inventoryID = i.id


于 2013-05-27T08:51:49.187 回答