CREATE (shakespeare:author { firstname: 'William', lastname: 'Shakespeare' }), (juliusCaesar { title: 'Julius Caesar' }),
(shakespeare)-[:WROTE_PLAY { year: 1599 }]->(juliusCaesar),
(theTempest { title: 'The Tempest' }),
(shakespeare)-[:WROTE_PLAY { year: 1610}]->(theTempest),
(rsc { name: 'RSC' }),
(production1 { name: 'Julius Caesar' }),
(performance1 { date: 20120729 }),
(production2 { name: 'The Tempest' }),
(performance2 { date: 20061121 }),
(performance3 { date: 20120730 }),
(billy { name: 'Billy' }),
(review { rating: 5, review: 'This was awesome!' }),
(theatreRoyal:theatre { name: 'Theatre Royal' }),
(greyStreet { name: 'Grey Street' }),
(newcastle:city { name: 'Newcastle' }),
(tyneAndWear { name: 'Tyne and Wear' }),
(england { name: 'England' }),
(stratford { name: 'Stratford upon Avon' }),
MATCH (theater:theatre),
WHERE theater.name = "Theatre Royal" AND
newcastle.name = "Newcastle" AND
bard.lastname = "Shakespeare"
RETURN DISTINCT play AS play,count(p) AS performance_count